I'm not sure what crawled up your ass and died chief but now you sound like a complete jackass and its uncalled for. If you don't like it screw you but you know nothing about it or me personally just popping shots. Maybe you should quit while in you little mind you are ahead. I love people like you, you use forums like this to just insult people because you got nothing better to do. Maybe you were abused or feel insecure but to insult a person or what club they belong to or for any reason just because you don't agree is childish. At this time I don't suspect you can stop your childish insults so I guess ill just have to wait for your next thought out comment. So I will say again Happy Smoking To All

Anything I write on here I would gladly say to your face, and those who know me know I am being very serious. I know that you are a mooch, you're on this website just to drum up interest in your crappy little club, and your time here is very short-lived.
Call it what you want, but you're still trying to sell dog shit as a delicacy, and it doesn't look like anyone is having it.
I'm heartbroken by your comments, but I'm ready for round 2 there little fella, keep digging.