This unhappy thread stuff reminded me of many, many years ago when I was just a young pup, still residing in Lousisiana, not long after I had nearly cut off a finger in a table saw accident.

Well, me, & my girlfriend at that time went out to the Karnack River to go boat riding while our buddy 'Bad Bob' was doing his famous slalom water skiing crap. We were smoking, drinking, toking, and whatever else we could come up with & just generally having fun, like the early 20 somethings we were at that time. We had a blast on the ole Karnac, and we finally came back to the boat launch. There were these three guys just hangin' out at the boat launch, and they started with the damn cat calls at my girlfriend. Well, needless to say I didn't care for that so, me & the three idiots got into a verbal pissing match.

Well Hell, I was so intoxicated that I had completely forgot about my hand being a piece of mince meat full of stitches & a couple of stainless steel pins,, just three weeks past a five hour surgery, and all of a sudden I realized my big ass mouth had overloaded my intoxicated pea brain.

I had to figure out something really QUICK to end the situation so, I jumped out of the boat, went straight away to Bad Bob's Chevy, retrieved Bad Bob's 357 Dan Wesson from underneath the driver's seat, and just waved it around a few times while it was still secured in the shoulder holster.

Man O man; you have never seen three jack ass dudes move so quick in your life.

Still wishing I had that on video; could have sold that for a million dollar$.

That was some unhappy shit that turned out pretty happy!