Condolences brother.My father-in-law Miguel passed away tonight. He was an amazing guy. We would smoke cigars together. They’re native Spanish speakers, and he would always tease his wife, so she called him El Picadore. Needless to say, I have a box of Picadores put away in his honor.
Sorry for your loss Gavin! Be sure to enjoy smoking in his memory.My father-in-law Miguel passed away tonight. He was an amazing guy. We would smoke cigars together. They’re native Spanish speakers, and he would always tease his wife, so she called him El Picadore. Needless to say, I have a box of Picadores put away in his honor.
Very sorry for your loss Gavin. It's very difficult to lose someone so close with such great memories.My father-in-law Miguel passed away tonight. He was an amazing guy. We would smoke cigars together. They’re native Spanish speakers, and he would always tease his wife, so she called him El Picadore. Needless to say, I have a box of Picadores put away in his honor.
Pets bring so much joy, but man the heartache that comes when something happens to them, makes me question why I put myself though this?, every time I have had to go through it. Sorry your wife is dealing with it.So, I have my dog, and my wife has her guinea pigs. Yes, guinea pigs. They started as my daughter's, and as her interest in the first two wained, my wife took over their care and her interest in the pigs grew. We now have six of them (down from 8, as two of the males had to go), and a night or two ago her favorite guinea pig that we've had the longest took sick. It's looking like it is not going to make it, unfortunately, and my wife is not taking it well. The thing is a cute little bugger, but I hate seeing my wife sad like this. I know, I know, it's a freakin' rodent. It's also at the beginning of its 4-8 year lifespan death window. For her sake, I hope the little fur ball pulls through.
Sorry to hear about this. Hopefully he pulls throughSo, I have my dog, and my wife has her guinea pigs. Yes, guinea pigs. They started as my daughter's, and as her interest in the first two wained, my wife took over their care and her interest in the pigs grew. We now have six of them (down from 8, as two of the males had to go), and a night or two ago her favorite guinea pig that we've had the longest took sick. It's looking like it is not going to make it, unfortunately, and my wife is not taking it well. The thing is a cute little bugger, but I hate seeing my wife sad like this. I know, I know, it's a freakin' rodent. It's also at the beginning of its 4-8 year lifespan death window. For her sake, I hope the little fur ball pulls through.
Keeping my fingers crossedSo, I have my dog, and my wife has her guinea pigs. Yes, guinea pigs. They started as my daughter's, and as her interest in the first two wained, my wife took over their care and her interest in the pigs grew. We now have six of them (down from 8, as two of the males had to go), and a night or two ago her favorite guinea pig that we've had the longest took sick. It's looking like it is not going to make it, unfortunately, and my wife is not taking it well. The thing is a cute little bugger, but I hate seeing my wife sad like this. I know, I know, it's a freakin' rodent. It's also at the beginning of its 4-8 year lifespan death window. For her sake, I hope the little fur ball pulls through.
Very sorry to hear about this. Hopefully she can enjoy the other ones you have as much as the one you lost.. A wise man once told me when I was in a similar situation that there will be more, but never another.Thanks for the thoughts, all. Unfortunately, even though she/we did all that could be done, Curry passed away sometime in the night. Wife didn't take it so well, as expected, but she's going better as the day goes on.
That sucks!