Hmmmm... that's not a bad idea. I'll have to see if maybe I can't figure out a way to secure it to the rope so it doesn't slide off. If I could get the rope off of his neck I could probably finagle a stitching around it all. I don't think I'm going to be able to get out to him tonight because of the amount of rain we had today, but I'll spend the time looking around and seeing if I can think of anything. Great idea, thanks!
This is probably the closest I'll come to anyone that would do anything, from what I've garnered given the stray population around. Though this certainly hits a point or two (no shelter and physical neglect), the rest of these pretty much make me believe that the outlook is, "We are all but poor Spanish farmers, and it would be wrong to remove their beasts of burden, for they are the means of income". Maybe I'm reading too much into it... :/ I'm still planning on writing to them.