Twin Girls + New Daddy = Contest Time

Nice contest and here's to many sleepless nights!

Let insomnia start 9/12/07 @ 11:30 am
September 1st @ 11am

Best of luck and congrats!! My cousin had triplets! Every time i call her i hear 3 screamin kids in the background LMAO....have a blast...i know i would!

9/10/07 at 3:00 am, seeing as how they like to arrive early morning. Best of luck to you and the mrs. :thumbs:
Just a friendly bump, and an update.

we went in for our last regularly scheduled ultra sound yesterday and the doctor told my wife she needs to try and make it 3 more weeks.

Get your guesses in guys!!!
I thought this contest was going to come to a close yesterday. Had to make the trip to the hospital, wife was having contractions, etc. False alarm so far, but we're getting close!!

If you havent made a guess yet, get it done.
Keep your chin up!!! I remember when my wife had our first. We went to the hospital Saturday night and the doctor sent us back home saying it was false labor. We returned Sunday afternoon and stayed until our daughter was born Wednesday afternoon following a pitocin treatment and breaking her water. At work, they thought I was playing hooky calling in each morning with "she is still in labor" story. When I showed up for work on Thursday morning with a box of cigars, the boss sent me home with "you are in no condition to work today"!

I thought this contest was going to come to a close yesterday. Had to make the trip to the hospital, wife was having contractions, etc. False alarm so far, but we're getting close!!

If you havent made a guess yet, get it done.
Congratulations on the new additions to your family!!!

Now the work really begins....

Best of luck and best wishes.
