Twigs/stems inside cigars


Active Member
Apr 20, 2014
Is there a rule of thumb or guideline about twigs or stems inside cigars? I dissected a few different cigars and found several stems inside each cigar and wanted to know if this is normal?
Not sure what you mean by rule of thumb or guideline?  What cigars were they? As with anything handmade the quality can vary.  Some makers have stricter QC measures than others.  Is it normal? No.  Does it happen? Unfortunately yes.
bluue13 said:
Not sure what you mean by rule of thumb or guideline?  What cigars were they? As with anything handmade the quality can vary.  Some makers have stricter QC measures than others.  Is it normal? No.  Does it happen? Unfortunately yes.
Ok, thanks for the help!
In a cigarobsession video, Padron apparently replies that it is normal for them to have stems in their cigars.
For me, Padron is pretty much the epitome of excellent construction and flavor.  If they're good with it, I'm good with it.  As long as it smokes well and tastes good, I have no issues.
Well I'm glad your good with it cause I'd sure hate to consider giving up my Padrons. If you watch how fast they bunch and roll it's a wonder there isn't more.
maverickmage said:
In a cigarobsession video, Padron apparently replies that it is normal for them to have stems in their cigars.
For me, Padron is pretty much the epitome of excellent construction and flavor.  If they're good with it, I'm good with it.  As long as it smokes well and tastes good, I have no issues.
Exactly so.  
I hate twigs and stems in my.......... Oops! Wrong forum! ;)
jfields said:
I hate twigs and stems in my.......... Oops! Wrong forum! ;)
You hating them isn't the rumor I heard. Why else do you go camping with Jonesy?
Pugman1943 said:
Well I'm glad your good with it cause I'd sure hate to consider giving up my Padrons. If you watch how fast they bunch and roll it's a wonder there isn't more.
Totally agree with this. I would think there would be more if you see how fast some people roll on videos I have seen on youtube.
Twigs/stems are just part of it all.  I have yet to have any that seriously impede the cigar smoking experience, but I'll come across a few from time to time.  I know they try to minimize it, but you can only do so is a plant/leaf.
...Acapulco Gold is bad ass weed. And Dave is not here.
The stem on the bottom half to two-thirds of a filler leaf is removed.  The top portion is left on to give the cigar structure.  Wrapper and binder leaves have the entire stem removed and as a result only half a leaf is used per cigar.
In addition to what mc808 mentioned, stems contain many of the nutrients that flow to the leaves thus also contain lots of flavor. Having a cigar that is completely stemless is not a desirable thing from the point of view from a mfg.