:0 :0 :0
OMG !!!
That is absolutely INCREDIBLE!!
I decided that if I ever get back into this, I'm going marine. :thumbs:
If you don't mind, I have a couple of questions:
1. How many gallons is that tank?
2. Is it drilled or do you have the filter and protein skimmer hanging off the back?
3. Do you have the fancy lighting for the coral/reefs?
Thanks for the compliments, if you click on my signature tag you can get more in depht information on the system, in a nut shell here are the specs:
90 Gallons AGA(Main) drilled for 2 X 1.5" bulkheads for drain
20 Gallons Sump (under the stand) with ASM G3 Protein Skimmer with Recirc Mod, MaxiJet 1200 and Gate Valve Mod
5 Gallons Hang On the Back CPR Refugium with 18W PC Jali Fixture
5X54W High Output T5 Retro Kits (lights) Back to Front bulb order:
-1 Giesemann AquaBlue+
-1 ATI Blue+
-1 Giesemann 6000K Midday Sun
-1 Giesemann Actinic+
-1 ATI Blue+
1 MAG18 return pump running through a 3/4" WavySeas
Grey Seas Aquatics Kalk Stirrer
ReefKeeper II Controller
2 MaxiJet 1200 and 1 MaxiJet 900
ReefKeeper II Wavemaker
When you decide to start your new tank let me know and I'll be more than glad to help you with as much information as I can and advice as well. I can also donate some beginner corals once you are setup and established.

I posted the pictures mainly because of you and some of the other members who are undecided to take the leap - kind'a trying to influence your decision
Rsaavedra, that is quite possibly one of the tightest setups I have seen. Being that I am not into aquariums all that much, maybe it doesn't mean as much. But it is still the madness
Hey Dsav101 thanks for the kind words, not to be modest but my setup as nice as it is it isn't anything compared as some of the systems that are out there (multiple thousand $ ones) Never the less I seem to think mine is as nice as it can be without pouring my kids college fund into it

If you are ever in my neck of the woods feel free to LMK and I can give you a quick tour of my system. Is very difficult to keep a healthy, well balanced reef ecosystem but is worth every second of it after you master the routine and laws. After a 40 mile commute each way and a long day of work there isn't anything more satisfying than to plant my worn out ass in front of tank and stare at it for a while and the inner peace I get from it... PRICELESS!!!