One Leg Of Fury.
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Obsidian Belicoso
Did I just smoke a cigar? Any cigar? What was that? Zero flavor. I mean, I couldn't even taste a tobacco flavor. This is supposed to be a full flavor stick. I expected... something. Anything. No discernible smell to the smoke, either. Guess I'll come back to the other three in a few months...
If it wasn't for the fact that I still have home runs more often than "WTF"'s, I'd start to think something is wrong with my humidor. In the last week, included in the duds were a Padron 2000, two Indian Tabac Maduro Super Fuertes (one was dry enough inside to crumble while the other was a "juicy cigar", though I had probably three others from the same shelf in the humi that were great), and this Obsidian. Granted, none of the bad sticks were aged at all, really, so maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know. I'll keep rotating through what I have and see if I have any more stinkers before I start to really get worried. The Padron might have been explained to me, so I'll give another one a shot before I form an opinion either way on that one. The Indian Tabacs have me puzzled, though.
A lot of it can do with what you've eaten or an acidic beverage you may have had prior to smoking or during the smoke.
I have kept that in mind, and that may be partial explanation for the Padron (the other being it was very young and I smoked it too fast), and possibly the bitter flavor of the "juicy" Indian Tabac. The only other thing I had really eaten yesterday before the Obsidian was a pretzel stick earlier in the day and a handful of almonds about an hour or so prior and a lot of water throughout the day. I had brought some almonds out with me, remembering how positively they influenced the Brasilia I had the other day, but didn't eat any of them. I had a Red Bull much, much earlier in the day, but all in all, I had a pretty empty stomach. I should have had a pretty wicked nicotine buzz going, too, because of this. However, nada. I want to be able to attribute this to operator error so I can not repeat the action before smoking again, but I'm coming up pretty blank on this one. Guess I'll chalk it up to a bad day and see what next time brings.