Iota, you know there is a review thread for these reviews right? You do a good job, why not stick them in there? :thumbs:
Ha, thanks! I'm still trying to work out the best way to make these useful (or at least moderately interesting) for folk. And well, honestly, the bar is pretty low in this thread so I don't feel so bad about trying a bunch of different things and seeing what sticks before I go spamming the review forum.

What I'm really trying to figure out is how to add something to the conversation about what I'm smoking without it just being noise. While stuff like this
review tips thread (Aug 2002) is really helpful, there are people much better suited to give that sort of feedback than I am. You know, as a newbie here, I'm just trying to figure out what I can do, in my own voice, for the community here besides just adding one to the member count.
I'm not in any rush, so I'm just getting my feet wet slowly. But if you have any comments (or criticism) on what I've got so far, I'd be happy to hear them!
PS: Should probably add something about what I'm smoking now. Along with smoking cigars, I also smoke cigarettes. Last year I switched from regular cigarettes to "filtered cigars". Now, it's true that they taste and smell a little more like cigars than cigarettes typically do, but the main reason I switched is because they're so damn cheap. Going from a 55 dollar carton to an 18 dollar carton is a pretty ridiculous savings for what amounts to a very similar product. Right at this moment, I'm smoking
Muranos by Renegade Tobacco. Regular flavor. I don't even want to know what a menthol flavored filtered cigar would taste like. I originally saw these in the Thompsons catalog, which I know is pretty universally loathed around here, but I get the catalogs from all the big retailers and I enjoy reading through them all when they come in. I've been thinking of switching from these to the small vitola cigars instead, but there's still something to be said for a two minute smoke.