Today's Smoke 2023

Since your post about smoking while hunting, has it done the trick? Even though it hasn’t brought in anything older than 2 years, a whole lot of babies have walked in on me from down wind while, and after smoking. So it may not be any “luck” per-say, but I do think it helps mask scent at least
Well ..... hunting in the Allegheny National Forest can be a little trying. Most of the people just drive around road-hunting which is illegal ......... and I would NEVER do anything illegal. As a result, there are times when you could sit in a blind for a week and not see a deer. We gave up around 9:30 and started putting on drives. We finally got a couple in the afternoon.

True story ....a guy gave me shit for smoking while hunting saying that wild animals are deathly afraid of forest fires so smoking while hunting was stupid! I asked him if he knew how long deer live, he said "7-8 years, I think" I said "you are correct, and when was the last forest fire in this area which terrified the wildlife?" He didn't get it!
When I took up cigars, a guy told me I should start with infused “so you can taste something besides smoke”. I guess that was true, but not so much anymore. Now I have sticks that are no longer my “thing”, but I just can’t bring myself to toss them. I guess the old saying goes, “smoke ’em if ya got ‘em”!

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Aside from bourbon, my drink of choice with a cigar is Pepsi Nitro. Found out last week Nitro has been discontinued, yay.
Sitting in my truck, 20 degrees, Gigar, hot coffee, enjoying life. I messed up my back so I am not doing much walking. The Horizons you see are roughly 600 yards away.
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Left view
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Right view
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To be completely legal the gun is sitting outside the truck
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The interior of that truck brings back a lot of childhood memories. Grew up in a Ford family, they don't make them like that anymore.