Today's Smoke 2022

I’ve only smoked a handful of Gurkhas thus far and cannot say that I disagree with you. Was hoping this one would be different. I think I will be staying away unless someone gives a strong recommendation for one I have not smoked 💨
If a friend strongly recommends any of them, stop being friends with that person
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Brand is Tatuaje and they have several amazing cigars. This one is called Negociant and it’s a little different from their mainstays. Construction and tobacco are always top tier. Worth your while to try a few varieties.

It didn't look good right from the jump. Did it stay that wonky the whole time?
It didn't look good right from the jump. Did it stay that wonky the whole time?
No the burn was true. If I hadn’t have snapped the picture I never would have noticed. It did burn fast for a toro it seemed, at least for the first third.