Today's Smoke 2020

Not too bad Gurkha warrior was $10 idk if thats good. This one was 5 got a my father centrum for between there. If you go online you can browse before you get to store. That solfyr I smokedyesterday was 2.95 mispriced online and they honored it instead of charging 5.

Honestly though this one of the best cigars and smoothest i have tried and i dont ussually smoke aged so if it is im def going up there to buy more. I've had this kind before and it didn't taste this good
Any posting tricks to have the pictures turn out the right way when posting them (from my phone if that makes a difference).
Before posting your pic, open your photos on your phone and select edit on the photo you want to post, then just use the crop feature and change the size of your photo just a little and save it. Then it should be good to post without any issues, don’t ask me why this works but it does...
Any posting tricks to have the pictures turn out the right way when posting them (from my phone if that makes a difference).
Yes please tell. I belive it has somthing to do with how tall picture is and the post turns them sideways so they don't take up a ton of space in the thread so probably automatic
Before posting your pic, open your photos on your phone and select edit on the photo you want to post, then just use the crop feature and change the size of your photo just a little and save it. Then it should be good to post without any issues, don’t ask me why this works but it does...

Thank you @TexasTraveler, will try this for tonight’s cigar.
Thank you @TexasTraveler, will try this for tonight’s cigar.

Also, hold your phone horizontally (landscape, as opposed to portrait, per se). Then, when you select the photo for upload here, it usually posts correctly. Except for faces. Fucked if I know why photos of faces always post sideways or upside down, no matter what you do...
Before posting your pic, open your photos on your phone and select edit on the photo you want to post, then just use the crop feature and change the size of your photo just a little and save it. Then it should be good to post without any issues, don’t ask me why this works but it does...
^^^^ Yes, all you have to do is simply edit your photo. Even just by editing the color or auto correcting it will make it display correctly...dont know why, but it works. I don't usually crop it or resize it, the color or contrast change by even 1 or 2 pts works!
How are the prices and selection at TW? I don’t get in there very much because I don’t have one by me, but there is one close to my work.
I suppose it's all location dependent, but I usually bypass the humidors when I'm at a Total Wine or Bevmo. In my experience you won't find anything other than the usual suspects there. Sure, in a pinch I suppose it's better than a cheap liquor store, but I go there for what they specialize in: booze. They are booze merchants, not cigar merchants.