jump on virtual herfIllusione ~2~ with a Dark & Stormy
Well, early morning to you. There is only so much rest even an ole fart can get, so while the morning is crisp and condusive to enjoyment, got a thermos of coffee and was gifted this by a fellow local brother. He assured me there is a difference between the regular and box press of this CAO Brazilia so off to enjoyment land I go. Have a good day guys.
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You aren't still in Wyoming are you?Jeremy Jack JJ 14 tonight. Great cigar, especially for a Connecticut. I dig this brand. Not only is it Aganorsa-made, but the branding is Wyoming to the core. They're headquarted in Jackson and the flowers on the band are Indian Paintbrush. As a Aganorsa fan and a son of the Equality State, I love it.
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