After my throat cancer scare I've not been hanging around the forum as much. Only smoking one a week, Okay sometimes two.
So anyhow, as long as I kept hanging around this place I kept buying cigars which doesn't make much sense. I'll never be able to smoke them.
Anyhow, among the first cubans I bought were some Romeo and Juliet Cazadores. Because the had the reputation for being the strongest cuban and I had been smoking strong nicaraguans.
So, after them sitting in the wineador for several months equilibrating I figured it was time to have one. It was so awful, I literally could not finish, barely did the first third. A godawful metallic taste that was pervasive.
So, I let them age a year or so, better but still couldn't finish one. Gave them several more years, better yet.
Now, after seven years they are fun to smoke. Strong, but the main strength effect seems to be when I get shaky from the nicotine as I near the end of the cigar.
After seven years, I'm now going through the box more quickly than I ever thought.
The bands all starting looking funky a year or two ago, I didn't worry about it.
They are truly enjoyable at this time.