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Today's Smoke 2016


Returning to this cigar after a year has passed. Last time around I was still too new to cigars to truly be able to appreciate this one. I didn't get it at the time. Now I'm seeing the light.

And about the whole Twisted Sister thing. While I wasn't a fan of their music back in the day, I very much appreciate the important impact Dee Schneider made on our ability to keep the government out of our music. He and Jello Biafra were point on defeating Tipper Gores attempt to regulate music content.
I smoked my first La Casita Criolla corona-ish stick this morning. Plenty of flavor, great construction. The all-broadleaf makeup was interesting to try...none of the Tat pepper I'm used to. I'll happily smoke the rest of them, it kind of reminded me of when I'm in the mood for pancakes over a breakfast burrito in the morning...doesn't happen a lot, but the sweeter La Casita will answer the pancake call when it does.

I picked up a bunch a while back because I liked them so much. Because they are nothing like the typical Pete pepper bomb a lot of the Tat fanboys seem to overlook them. Now a days you can find them for close out prices on FS auction site.
I picked up a bunch a while back because I liked them so much. Because they are nothing like the typical Pete pepper bomb a lot of the Tat fanboys seem to overlook them. Now a days you can find them for close out prices on FS auction site.

Yeah, that's where I got them....insane lower than yardgar price, can't beat the quality and flavor for that kind of money. Had a Oliva Melanio petite corona tonight. Like the extra oomph of strength, good flavor, I'm just more of a Cromagnon or Neanderthal guy when I want more of a "maduro" experience.
All the Lirio Rojo talk got me jonesin'...needed to have one outside of the normal crazy commute schedule.

Edited to add: The smoke production is indeed voluminous....hadn't really paid attention to that before. I think that man bun and bracelet wearing hipster is going to get the full cab money out of me next time around.

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Got some really great news today so I had a Opus DC from my box split in 2012 to celebrate. It was good. But to be honest, I don't understand why people trip over themselves to get Opus. 4 years made it good but not great.
Don Carlos personal reserve Robusto, oliva serie O robusto.

The Don Carlos was excellent.
I got walnuts, roasted coffee, sweet spice like cinnamon/nutmeg, floral that was present midway and at the end.

The oliva was good and consistent as always.
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All the Lirio Rojo talk got me jonesin'...needed to have one outside of the normal crazy commute schedule.

Edited to add: The smoke production is indeed voluminous....hadn't really paid attention to that before. I think that man bun and bracelet wearing hipster is going to get the full cab money out of me next time around.

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Do you find them strong like I did? I am curious. I look forward to having another and seeing if the strength was more about smoking it inside, sitting and never getting up, and not having eaten in a few hours. So yummy though.
Do you find them strong like I did? I am curious. I look forward to having another and seeing if the strength was more about smoking it inside, sitting and never getting up, and not having eaten in a few hours. So yummy though.

I've never thought they were strong but I also never get to smoke indoors unless it's the cigar shop. The volume of smoke indoors could sure contribute. However, I definitely knew I had smoked a cigar afterwards...not buzzed but on the threshold of buzzed.