Today's smoke - 2014

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Jonesy said:
I sent it to him, so you guys can kiss my's real!!!
Jonsey, if your ass is the one attached to that avatar, I'd kiss it!
On my morning drive a 2004 Epicure Especial HdM LE. Aah not to bad with hints of salmon, asparagus and a side of beans. ???
All kidding aside thank you Bill. This is one of the BEST cigars that I have smoked to date. Absolutely stellar from start to finish. This baby was an explosion of flavor throughout out all three thirds. 1st third - woody and earthy, 2nd third - rich dark flavors of expresso, cocoa and vanilla and the last 3rd - spicy and nutty. 
The 2004 Party PSP1 LE is an exceptional cigar as well but the HdM LE is in a class by itself. I have a 2004 R&J Hermosos that I will try but can't imagine it topping the HdM LE. 
Only one left from 04 would be a Cohiba Sublime. If anyone is willing to part with one let me know. :love:

This afternoon a 13 HdM Epi No.1. Very good overall but hard to follow that LE. Did someone say kiss my ash? :D
Glad you enjoyed it Kris... Definitely one of the best I have had as well.
This one comes close, very creamy, and amazing in a different way...
CigSid said:

2008 HdM Epi #2...very nice. With all you bastids smoking, posting, and BOMBING ME with CC,  I'm starting to get re-acclimated to the CC taste profile which does not bode well for my pocketbook...or for the rest of the inventory in all my humis.  ???
What porn are you watching?
Good observation Paul, and also a good question...

Porn?? guys need to get laid more often! :laugh: 
It was the Rocky marathon on AMC last Saturday...right after he agreed to fight Creed the first time and Mick was trying to convince him to let him train him.
ironpeddler said:


2008 HdM Epi #2...very nice. With all you bastids smoking, posting, and BOMBING ME with CC,  I'm starting to get re-acclimated to the CC taste profile which does not bode well for my pocketbook...or for the rest of the inventory in all my humis.  ???
What porn are you watching?
Good observation Paul, and also a good question...

Porn?? guys need to get laid more often! :laugh:
It was the Rocky marathon on AMC last Saturday...right after he agreed to fight Creed the first time and Mick was trying to convince him to let him train him.

So you're into dudes... that's cool! 
Tall Paul said:



2008 HdM Epi #2...very nice. With all you bastids smoking, posting, and BOMBING ME with CC,  I'm starting to get re-acclimated to the CC taste profile which does not bode well for my pocketbook...or for the rest of the inventory in all my humis.  ???
What porn are you watching?
Good observation Paul, and also a good question...

Porn?? guys need to get laid more often! :laugh:
It was the Rocky marathon on AMC last Saturday...right after he agreed to fight Creed the first time and Mick was trying to convince him to let him train him.

So you're into dudes... that's cool! 

I give up... :rolleyes:
In the spirit....... A Filthy Hooligan. Today it finally clicked with all of the "Grassy" references. Thanks Keystone_Raider, it was good seeing you last week brother.
Por Larranaga Petit Corona from an excellent botl.   I wanted to try a few of these before I committed to a cab.  Think I'll be getting one on my next order
Next, an Ashton ESG.  I had one of these down at Corona Cigar in Florida.  I thought I would try another to see if I liked it as much as I did down there.
My morning drive smoke was an 11 Sir Winnie. Great cigar but call me crazy if I said that it almost tasted like the new Upmann Connoisseur A.

This evening I chose an old reliable 12 JL #2. 
 A 601 Green Label from 2010 I think. I don't hear much about these here, but I really enjoy them with some age on them.
Just smoked my first Dutch Masters corona from box code AGU MAR 07 aged to perfection. If anyone want some let me know boys