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Today was a really tough day

Sorry for your loss, sympathy to you and your family
Hang in there. I have had dogs every since I can remember and putting one down is never easy.
Chris - My wife Lynn and I send along our most sincere sympathy. We lost a beloved dog twelve years ago and we still miss her.

We currently have four little mutts and they are family, to be sure. We love them all dearly and we can understand what you are going through.

Take care - B.B.S.
That is like loosing a family member. Please accept my sympathy, I am sure Murphy is somewhere in dog heaven

I'm truly sorry for your loss. I imagine it must be the hardest thing in the world to put down a friend and protector.

That sucks Chris. Hope you guys are doing ok.

Chris, you have my sympathies. I know exactly how you feel. We had to put down our rottie (pic in my avatar) last Thanksgiving and we still are feeling the loss. It does get better over time. Just keep the good memories top of mind and you will get through it. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.
Sorry for the loss. I know when I lost the dog i grew up with I was almost out of commision for 2 weeks. Take your time in greiving, and eventually the pain leaves. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
As cigarsarge said - I've been down that path a few times... It truly is like losing a family member... And it just does not get any easier, I'm afraid... :(

My deepest condolences to you and the better half, Chris.
Doc is right. You'll see her again. My deepest sympathy for your family's loss.
I'm very sorry for your loss :(

I have 2 dog .. 11 year old black lab (astro) and a 15 year old, 3 legged blue healer (baby). It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of that day when they are not around :(

I will have a smoke in memory of Murphy............
Seadub, I'd like to commend you for making the hardest decision a pet owner has to make. As hard as it was to make you obvious knew it was the right decision for him.

The memories of the happy times will long outlast the pain of his passing. He'll be waiting for you at the Rainbow bridge.

RIP Murphy!