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Today was a really tough day


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Oct 6, 2005
I've had a dog my whole life and it's never been easy to watch them grow old. I had to put my dog, Murphy, down today. My wife had rescued her from the pound back in '94. That dog had a good long life. She was always a little skittish around men (we're sure she had probably been abused by her first owners) and it took her awhile to warm up to me. Quirky or not she really was a great friend... I'm really gonna miss her.


Murphy 199?-2007
You have my deepest sympathies. My Auggie is only 7 mos. old, but I can't imagine what life will be like when that day comes for me and my wife.
It is funny how they can become part of your life. You never forget them for all the love they have given. Hang in there.
As someone who just got a lil' pup, I can truly imagine and feel your pain brother. Very, very sorry for your loss.
Very sorry to hear about your loss Chris. I know how it feels... Hang in there...
Don't fret, she'll be waiting for you on the other side of Rainbow bridge.

I am truely sorry bro.
Although not quite the same, we (The GF, her daughter, and myself.) had to put our kitten to sleep after having her for only 3 months. One of the hardest things I've had to do in my somewhat young life...

Sorry Chris!
Chris, my condolences to you. Losing my animals has always been a really tough one for me.

I am sorry for your loss. I lost a Cocker this past year after 15 years, I got a new cocker pup to replace her, it was the best thing I ever did. You should do the same. A man should never be without a dog!
It must be just as tough as literally losing your dog (mine wanderd off) and got lost or was picked up by someone it leaves a hole in the pit of your stomach. My condolences to you and your family.
I can't imagine what it will be like, when this day arrives for my little buddies. I'm truely sorry for your loss. Idon't know if I read it here or on another site but it was all about dogs. One phrase said If dogs don't go to heaven. Then I want go where they are. I feel this way about Samantha and Bailey. Hang in there. You can't replace her but I do know once a dog owner always a dog owner. Remember all the joy she brought you and live with that.
Sorry for your loss. It's always hard to lose a pet, especially when they are part of the family.
Sorry for your loss. A dog is a bona-fide member of the family.
And that's a great photo of him. Treasure it.