Today’s Smoke 2019

Casa Monte Cristo in Boca Florida

La Gran Oferta Lancero with Zacapa XO and espresso. Great place for both cigar and spirits to enjoy the hobby
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I just smoked one of those the other day and really liked it. Bought on a whim when I wanted to sit and smoke at a local lounge. I'm not smoking nearly as many Nicaraguan cigars these days, so the level of spice and flavor may not measure up for some, but I'd definitely smoke more.
Last cigar of 2019 / First cigar of 2020, and a mini-review

(Once again, thanks, Larry!)


My first Opus, and honestly the only cigar I've ever truly been afraid of. Every single review I've ever read ranges from "moderately swimmy", to, "I pre-ordered my KISS Koffin for just this moment".

I was GREAT outside smoking and reading with all of the Shock and Awe going on around me (they like their fireworks here, apparently). I came inside, made a drink and a snack and walked the stairs for bed. As soon as I got undressed and sat in bed, it felt like the world came down around me. Spinning. Woozy. Sweats. Fear of projectile vomiting if I moved too fast. Fear of things projecting from the inverse end if I didn't move fast ENOUGH... Luckily none of either came to be, and I just pulled my hood down over my eyes to block out any remaining ambient light, cuddled with the dog, and eventually fell off to sleep. I don't remember my wife coming in to bed, though she said she was only a few minutes behind me. Amazing smoke, overall, though (pre-freight train). Very complex. VERY rich and full. About midway through the last third brought a distinct and consistent caramel flavor, which was wonderful. Lots of smoke -- it never needed the slightest touch up, either. A full 2+ hours with that bad boy, taking it easy.

It surprised me, because I've had Connecticuts that had a harder initial hit. However, I think if there was another inch on that stick, I would have died out there where I sat. It came on that quick. Even knowing what I was in for, I'd smoke it again tonight. It's honestly not the worst I've ever felt after a cigar, but usually in those cases I push it well past the point I know I should have deposited it in the ashtray. This one was a sleeper. It didn't hit until after I was done with it, and I was burning my fingers when I finally dropped it in. Although, it's easily the BEST cigar I've ever smoked to feel that bad. :)
This one is pretty good! I started out the night with a Trinidad Fundadores ARS Jul 2019. It had a tight draw, and my perfect draw tool fixed that. That cigar was so so. I would score it at about 86. This El Rel Rey del Mundo Taino Regional Release Formosa was the trick! Great stick!
Wild Hunter by Oscar. Very mottled wrapper for being Oscuro. Not bad at this early point. Thank you BOTL's for making my Cozumel cigar shopping interesting and fun. Oh my, the Cohiba sales! Super classy 5/10 packs, all sealed, but the lady was NOT in proper form, nor were the boxes burned or any date codes. I had to walk away from a $75 deal of a lifetime thanks to you, and I know I did the right thing.
