Today’s Smoke 2019

Scored about 20 of those in maduro once from JR for $1.50 a stick. My neighbor still misses them. Solid smoke
Yeah, can’t really beat that! If I had a bigger humidor (in the works) I would definitely keep them on hand. Solid flavor profile but cheap enough to fork over to a mooching friend.
So I've been told, you need to smoke it to appreciate it. This is my first what what many consider the epitome of Oz sticks. Ive got four hours of doing nothing so plenty of time to sit back, enjoy and learn. Have a good day brothers.
My true colors are showing.. By that I mean showing nothing resemblance of self control. A package landed on my doorstep earlier this morning and I had no idea these would be included. Wanted to let them sit for a while but I just had to try one. My very first CC. Thank you again to which ever one of you mysterious friends tossed this in with my PLPCs. It was phenomenal6D1CF057-9B53-4218-BC6A-B0B7816B016B.jpeg
Oh CigSid! The smoothness of a properly aged cigar! How do you like to age them. 70% RH/70 degrees?
Or are you doing the 70% RH/65 degree process? Which method do you prescribe to?