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To All Us Comcast Customers...


Ye Old Newbie
Apr 8, 2008
...across this great land of ours. Enjoy the truth...
NSFW...really, it isn't
There is a reason why I switched to U-Verse...with comcast I was paying over $200/ month for internet and 2 non-hd tv receivers.
Now I have 3 receivers (2 wireless) with every channel uverse offers and internet and pay $50 less per month
I'm no apologist for Comcast but I have three TVs, 2 separate phone lines, and Internet for which I pay $284 a month. Yea, I got more channels than I need. My problem with them is, if I want to give something up, like HBO, I have to give something up that I use, like On Demand. They do design their packages to be difficult to unsubscribe. They have always been prompt when sending service men to the house and have even given me money when unable to solve a problem the first time. So, I can't say the customer service is bad. Hell, my plumber sticks it to me worse than these folks.
I was paying over $110.00 a month for three TV's when they signed me up for their "special" they were running. About a year later I notice it's over $195.00 a month for the same thing. Long story short, I called thinking the squeaky wheel gets the grease.... I got "the special ran out" and basically we don't give a f%k about you. I canceled them and got Direct TV with five HD TV's off of the Genie System for $69.00 the first year, and $89.00 the second year. I've had great service with not one outage. The Genie DVR is amazing with how much memory storage it has. I like being able to watch anything I record in any room.

Comcast called two days later wanting to know what it would take to get me back, giving me a great offer...... "Why couldn't you fuggers just give me the good rate in the first place?" CLICK!!
Doc, I have to admit that they are very punctual and if you actually get a Comcast employee they are pretty good. However, whenever I've gotten sub-contractors the've been quick to move on to their next customer and not really give a damn about fixing your problem.
I use comcast for my internet only, and this made me LOL. :laugh:
It's so true.
All true and all terrible, but you know what I find the most appalling? That even after 18 years with AT&T phone/Internet and 18 years with DishNet, theres no regard for loyalty.

I still have to call 4 times each year to lower my annual price increase from $50 to $10. It's really absurd. I feel like after this many years I should have a dedicated customer service line for loyal customers, no?
I have Time Warner and pay $89/mo, includes TV and internet. I just can't see spending anymore than that.  Cable and cell providers are two whores, who I hate giving money to.  They really know how to screw you.
My house is wired for FIOS, however they're just as bad as Comcast if not worse.  We'll see what happens to Time Warner after they merge with Comcast.  Might be time to switch to Dish.  By the way, if anyone wants to know how to get Dish or DirecTV for half the price, there's a secret... :)
Rod said:
 By the way, if anyone wants to know how to get Dish or DirecTV for half the price, there's a secret... :)
Secret food menus AND secret satellite TV menus  :laugh:
I have Cox. yep, a whole bunch of Cox packages. Too big, or too small. Hard to get anything satisfying from Cox.
They Sucks, Cox, they do. Think I'm gonna cut them off.
Rod said:
I have Time Warner and pay $89/mo, includes TV and internet. I just can't see spending anymore than that.  Cable and cell providers are two whores, who I hate giving money to.  They really know how to screw you.
My house is wired for FIOS, however they're just as bad as Comcast if not worse.  We'll see what happens to Time Warner after they merge with Comcast.  Might be time to switch to Dish.  By the way, if anyone wants to know how to get Dish or DirecTV for half the price, there's a secret... :)
THIS!  What really pisses me off though, is how they DOUBLE DIP constantly!  Oh, you have to pay a subscription for our service.  Now you have to pay to actually use the service that you are paying a subscription for.  I pay $125 a month just for Internet, $60 of that is for the subscription and the rest.........is for bandwidth.  We routinely use ~650 GB to 700 GB of bandwidth a month, this includes TV, phone, and Internet usage.  So, I pay a $65 "usage tax" just to be able to use the service to my liking.  Granted, I know 750 GB is a lot each month; but when everything is streamed or needs to be uploaded/downloaded, it all really adds up quickly. 
What's with the rental fees? $15/mo for a cheap cable box? Nuts. I've asked my cable company if I can buy the box outright to avoid the rental fees and they said no. Another way they screw you.
I cut this 3 years ago and don't regret it at all.................ok, only on NFL Sundays and MNF. 
The cable TV companies are going to try to aggressively get a position with internet providers, even if they offer some internet services already. They are losing customers in droves to online viewing. They started charging for usage, since folks use a lot of bandwidth for netflix, etc. but it is not retaining customers,and strengthened the resolve of others to quit. The only chance for world and consumer domination is to acquire internet providers. Departments of professional regulation do squat to help consumers anymore. We'll see how it plays out.
Rod said:
What's with the rental fees? $15/mo for a cheap cable box? Nuts. I've asked my cable company if I can buy the box outright to avoid the rental fees and they said no. Another way they screw you.
You could buy a Ceton cable card and install it into your PC, eliminating that $15 box fee. 
But you have an Apple.  Nevermind
I have many story's I could tell about comcast but I won't bore you with the details, lol.

Anyways we pay something like $200/month for our service. 3 hd DVR boxes, 1 reg hd box, 3 digital adapters, internet, phone, and essentially every channel they have, save for tmc (I think). Every year around my wife's birthday the bill increases about $30. Every year I call, ask for customer retention, and explain I want the bill to be lower or at least what we paid the previous year. Every year they lower it without hassle or complaint.

We have choices like wow or uverse but we like what we have. Sometimes I use them to try and get the price lower but in end they all are within a few dollars for what we want, so I play the call yearly game with them.

My dad on the other hand has so much trouble with them, and I don't know why, goes so easy for me. He has switched between Comcast and wow at least 4 times in the last 2 years alone! Lol