Well Leebo- You've pretty much already got a TON of information, and it sounds like you've made up your mind, but I'll throw what little I can contribute into the mix :whistling:
First a few things about the differences between TIVO and a cable DVR.. Not all Cable DVRs are created equal. I too have Comcast where I live, and the Motorola DVR box they offer us SUX big time. About the only advantage it has over a "real tivo" is the cable company's (comcast motorola box at least) can record High Def, which (to my knowledge) no real tivo can yet. To give you an idea of how much information HD vs regular def is, my Cable co's motorola DVR box has an 80gb HD, which translates into approx 80 hours of regular def tv or 8-10 hours of HD tv :laugh: Thats significant!
If you have a HD tv, that might be a big advantage to you.. Its not to me since I only have a regular def tv. Comcast's motorola box does NOT support 2 tuners, so the option to watch 1 program and record another or record 2 different programs at the same time, is not an option with the comcast motorola box I have (and thats an option you'll want trust me). Now, like I said, not all DVR boxes are created equal, my brother who lives about 20 miles from me, has Charter Cable, and his DVR box is a Scientific Atlantic and his box DOES support 2 tuners (record 2 programs at the same time- you can actually record 2 shows and watch something already recorded while you record the other 2- pretty neat, DirectTV-Tivo does this too btw).
Comcasts motorola box has little or no graphics involved with playback, this may not sound like a big deal, until you've used it and seen it. On a real Tivo and on Charters SA-DVR box, there is a progress bar across the bottom showing you the entire length of the program your watch or whatever, and it will indicate where you are in that program- you know if you're close to the end or beginning... This is NOT available on the Comcast box! :angry2: Thats important (at least to me). After you get one, or use one with then without (like I did) you'll see what I'm talking about.
Real tivo ALWAYS buffers what you're watching, like most if not all dvr's do, so lets say your watching this show or whatever, and about 10 mins into it you think to yourself, the wife would enjoy this- or I've got to go and decide to record the program... Tivo will record whats in the buffer (upto 30 mins I believe), or the beginning of the program (whatever is shorter), where the Comcast box only records from the moment you press record :angry2:, even if you have the first 10 mins in the buffer- you can't actually record it (STUPID). Tivo's are awesome that way.
For who ever said you cant set the Cable DVR to record first run shows only? I cant speak for all of'em, but mine WILL do that.. Tivo's too. When you set a season pass for MONSTER HOUSE, you can choose to record FIRST RUNS ONLY, REPEATS ONLY or ALL EPISODES. Now, what SOME dvr's do, and I cant remember if standalone tivo's do this, they will scan ALL channels in the guide for your program. So for example: You want to record Friends - All episodes... Some DVR's will record EVERY instance of friends on EVERY CHANNEL it shows on (WHOA, THATS ALOT). Where I think tivo's only search on the channel its originally set for.. Like when I use to set Tivo to record the Soprano's - All episodes, it only recorded it on HBO1 - and not when it aired on HBO2 or whatever... you get the idea.
Another thing TIVO's do that I dont think Cable DVR's do is search and record by KEYWORD- so your wife likes REALITY shows... Tell Tivo you want to record anything that has "REALITY PROGRAM" in the title or description, and it will.... You don't have to know it aired, what channel, or anything- It will search out the guide for your preferences.. Same with "POKER" or "ALIEN", set keywords by ACTOR, DIRECTOR, TYPE OF SHOW, etc... Its very flexible.
And I always liked Tivo Suggestions- once you rate the programs you watch with thumbs up or down, depending on if you like the program- Tivo will record other show it thinks you might enjoy watching- because they were based on the same genre, or director, or actor or whatever... It just knows. Its kinda cool
The quality in recorded shows (IMHO) on the Comcast box is not as good as Real Tivo or the Charter SADVR box, but that could be my cable connection? (My cable might just suck a$$). Real standalone Tivo should have quality option, more space vs more quality... and as I understand it, the quality is pretty good.
Fees: Now, here's where the choices get confusing. Tivo cost money + monthly fee... $13/mo as I understand it. The cable company DVR doesnt charge for the box, only the monthly fee which is usually cheaper anyway, so you save right off the bat. Most of the time the cable DVR monthly fee is LESS than Tivo's fee? That depends I'm sure - like here the DVR charge is $8.95 or $9.95/mo but no charge for the box itself. The lifetime subscription is only valid on the unit its purchased on, so if you upgrade to a different model, AS I UNDERSTAND IT, you'll have to re-buy or re-subscribe to the tivo service. I could be wrong, and they (tivo) might be more flexible than I've heard. You may never upgrade your set top box? I dunno. And I think lifetime tivo is like $200??
Tivo's (beit stand alone or combo units) are hackable, if you're a tech savvy guy. You can buy the smallest HD one and upgrade it yourself for cheaper than buying the big HD in the beginning... I'm into that kind of stuff, you may not be. Older Series 1 tivo's are much more hackable than the newer ones... Thats not entirely true, I should say Series 1's are more easily hacked vs the newer s2's. My 2 directivo's have about 500 hours combined recording capability between the 2
and they both started out as 35 hr units. Cable co DVRs are not upgradable this way (to my knowledge).
The newer S2 tivo's have all the home media stuff mentioned in a previous post, and if you're going to use all that stuff, great. If you dont think you'd ever use it- you might want to check Ebay for a good used, Series 1 with a HUGE hd... You might even find one with the "lifetime sub" already done, and the internet hack so it doesnt tie up the phone line
The older ones DO NOT do the home media stuff, but you can pull (extract) the .ty streams (recorded shows) off the Tivo (via the network hack/mod/addition) and make your own DVD's if you choose... Its a lot of trouble and not worth it IMHO. Go buy a cheap DVDR from Walmart for $150 or less and record the shows that way, its MUCH simpler
Now, if your a tech savvy guy, here is another option... I'm a big home theater guy, I love electronics, and tinkering... I have a home theater pc on my home theater setup, with a hardware mpeg2 capture card (hauppauge), and running windows media center edition (and there are other apps out there too) it basically becomes TIVO. no monthly fee, and then its a real computer so the possibilities are ENDLESS... Just about ANYTHING you ever wanted to do with video, audio, pictures, games, etc - Its available- you just have to know how and where to look for it. A HTPC is a nice addition to a home theater imho. You can surf the net, get recipe's, watch movie trailers off the web, get phone numbers, find maps, showtimes, etc... Its a cool thing to have.
For the record, I have used real tivo (directivo), cable company dvr and home theater pc's... Each has its own advantage- no one is perfect for everything. Tivo is probably the easiest to setup and use. The cable DVR records HD- which if I had a HD tv would mean alot to me. And a HTPC is awesome, but they are not plug'n'play, and I know my wife is intimidated by technology, even though I know she can use it- she chooses not too.
My kids love it though
Well I hope at least some of my information is usefull to you or someone reading this. If I can answer any direct questions, please let me know. I can help you with links, software, or maybe even hardware advice.
Let me know if I can help.