Thoughts on this humidor?

How much? I see prices from 400 to about 550. How do you plan to humidify?
$550 shipped. My beads are holding well in my antiem. I suspect another 1/2lb would do it and possibly even be Overkill.
I don't see too much, review wise, on the net. I don't like that there are 3 seals to worry about, i.e., 2 drawers and the door.
Might be a bit tweaky, or more mindful type of deal, but that is personal tolerance level type stuff.
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I've seen this in person at IPCPR and it's beautiful. It's the exact one I wanted for myself but didn't have the means then. My favorite part was the drawer slides that feel really smooth and high quality. Less favorite was the hardware on the front just because it isn't my style but that's an easy fix.

No personal experience with it however, but it is a great piece imo. Good luck!
It says Spanish cedar lined. That typically means thin Spanish cedar layed over cheap Medium density Fiber board. If I was eyeing a $550 piece, I'd pony up the additional $250 to get something by Bob. Sell off some unwanted/unneeded items and you'll likely still be spending the $550.
It says Spanish cedar lined. That typically means thin Spanish cedar layed over cheap Medium density Fiber board. If I was eyeing a $550 piece, I'd pony up the additional $250 to get something by Bob. Sell off some unwanted/unneeded items and you'll likely still be spending the $550.

Aright, maybe its time I give Bob a call and see where it goes.

How much do Antietam humidors sell for?