Milk is getting expensive. We bought an Ice Cream machine...tastes better, less air, and cheaper. In addition, it's good family time.
At least Scotch hasnt gone up....yet. ???
I'm definitely more comfortable w/ice cream prices going up as opposed to alcohol.
Quit your bitchin' ya fuggin' flatlanders. This is one of the first times that the dairy farmer is actually getting some of the price increase, as opposed to the retailer. I can remember in times past when it was more economical for a farmer to dump his milk than to sell it. When the grain check doesn't equal the milk check we all lose. What would we do without our family farms?

Quite your bitchin' ya fuggin' flatlanders. This is one of the first times that the dairy farmer is actually getting some of the price increase, as opposed to the retailer. I can remember in times past when it was more economical for a farmer to dump his milk than to sell it. When the grain check doesn't equal the milk check we all lose. What would we do without our family farms?


Amen Doc; and, I would hate to think of our country without 'em.

Edited for typo.
Man you must be living off your stash because it has gone up way faster then milk.

Milk is getting expensive. We bought an Ice Cream machine...tastes better, less air, and cheaper. In addition, it's good family time.
At least Scotch hasnt gone up....yet. ???
Man you must be living off your stash because it has gone up way faster then milk.

Milk is getting expensive. We bought an Ice Cream machine...tastes better, less air, and cheaper. In addition, it's good family time.
At least Scotch hasnt gone up....yet. ???

WHAT!!! :0

Yes, I am, actually, but last time I checked on my favorite, it hadnt moved. Thank gooseness I drink very little.

As far as the milk goes, we also only drink Organic. One brand in particular. It reminds me of how milk tasted when I was a kid. Even the low fat versions are superior in flavor...not to mention the expiration dates, for some reason, are always a month or so ahead.