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This is done!Who here has never tried an Opus X?

I have never tried one (smoked em to the nub :sign:).
You did say "try". :whistling:

Nice play Jon.
Wow, I can't wait to get some experience under my belt. The comraderie/generosity on this board is quite surprising :cool:
Almost 40 minutes & these still aren't gone yet!I can't believe it!
Well 45 minutes & they are still not gone.That must be some kind of record!!I'm going to bed,I'll check back in the morning. :D
25 minutes & a 2fr still up for grabs!!!Man where is everybody? :whistling:

Haven't been here 3 months but I have never had one myself. Tried to find some around locally and on the internet and they keep eluding me.
PM me your addy & I'll get you a couple.

Again, very much appreciated, thanks!
I've yet to try one but love reading about all your reviews. With nursing school it's hard to justify the money on them. Grats to all of you that are getting one.
This is awesome of you. I have never smoked an OpusX kinda sad I know but sooner or later I will get to smoke one till then I am happy with what I got rp
I also have never smokes an Opus X! Would love to, but my B&M nly carries them during the holidays he says...