Should be within a month and probably during the week.
And I think by dragging Tom into the threadjack, it totally counts.
Now, we just need a urine-tine tagline or jingle...
I hear spitting on your balls is a fetish in some countries :whistling:
A Yankee cheating.... shocking really!
More like some sore losers whos team isnt in the playoffs. :thumbs:
Yes. Well, we can't all be Yankee/Steelers/LeBron fans. Someone has to root for the "regular" teams, too.
Saw the video again last night in HD on ESPN, the spit clearly goes past the ball and given that a camera takes the 3D (real-life) and compresses it to 2D (your telly), there's not great depth of field, and so who knows how close the spit really was.