The Time I Almost Died

That's scary stuff, my friend. Glad to hear that you're doing better and on the road to recovery. I hope they find the cause soon.
I know how you feel, In Jan went in to the Dr's with back problems. Found my BP 165/130, put on meds right away. 1 week later in the ER (6 hrs, EKG, the works) with what they say was anxiety. Now it's down to 120/85. Hope all goes well and it gets under control.

Best wishes,

Did you smoke one of those Weed infused Cubans?

Figure it out Marc and Get Well.
Wow.. Good to hear you are okay.
That is why, you can't just ignore things. Glad to hear you are okay.
Hope you recover quikckly and have a great week.
Wow that is some pretty heavy news!
Glad you are over the hump and hope you make a speedy recovery!


Hope this was a freak one time deal for you MT. Scary stuff!
Wow that is not a way to spend the day. Glad things are better for you. Take it easy.

I hope she was worth it! :D

That kind of thing will seriously change your perspective! Glad you're OK!

All I can say is wow, glad to hear you're okay. Hope they find out what caused it.
I tip big Sam.

I'm just glad she turned out to be a woman, unlike Mike's last date. :whistling:
Man that is nuts but I am glad to hear you are ok man. A few years back something very similar happened to a buddy of mine. He was only 29 and in great shape so the hospital staff were all sure that he was on cocaine as those symptoms are identical. Turns out it was some viral infection in his lungs (near his heart) which caused it. He was fine and never had any other issues, hopefully you will be the same. :thumbs: