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The "stigma" of flavored cigars...

So far I have not enjoyed any flavored smokes, but I did think the CAO Mango.. Mint.. Icecream whatever the heck it was was tolerable.

I tried a Java. Didn't smell like or taste like mocha, it was like puffing on nothing. Literally no taste at all. Just dry plain smoke. It was the most unsatisfying experience ever, cigarrettes have more flavor..

I want to give the Kahlua White Russians a try, though. Otherwise I can't say I'm a fan of flavored, and acids are the most vile things ever, especially the ones that are flavored like violet soap. :(

Those acids taste like this:

When i first started smoking i started with Acids and Blondes tins, but as I got more into cigars I dont like them as much.
I'm not a big flavored cigar fan, but i have smoked a few i have liked. My local shop carries a brand called kentucky's gentleman that isn't to bad. It is a lot better than the acids that i have tried.
Sorry, but Boones farm and MD 20/20 is NOT wine. Ain't even close. It's ETOH with artificial sweetners and food coloring. Same for Swisher sweets. They are NOT cigars. They more closely resemble a cigarette. This ain't being snobby, it's just the truth. I don't know anyone who "started" on this hooch who later became a wine enthusiast. They developed a love for fine wines because they had a taste for it anyway, were educated in it, or came to it through a different path.

That was sweet of your wife to buy you some cigars for a gift. Nothing wrong with liking them or being grateful. However, I would suggest picking up some had rolled premium cigars that ARE NOT flavored, and seeing what you think. I hate to see anyone smoking or spending money on that junk. There plenty of people here willing to give their opinions on good cigars to start with. I would hazzard a guess that none of them would include a flavored cigar.

A good palate is an educated palate IMO.
I suppose you started out drinking Dom and Crystal, probably started smoking Opus x too,By the way, I have plenty of Premium hand rolled cigars. your whole reply comes off a "snobby" to me. especially dissing my wife. I "started out" on flavored cigars, but that led entirely somwhere else, maybe I didn't make that clear, and yeah I still enjoy a rum soaked once in a while, whoopde-effing-doo, sheesh I thought this was a friendly place, sorry for stating my opinion.
Dude relax,

I wasn't "dissing" your wife. I made it pretty clear that I think it is cool she knows your interested in cigars and wanted to give you a gift you enjoyed. That is why I said I think is sweet. You'll learn after awhile that a wife that supports cigar smokers like the way yours does is a relatively rare thing. Kudos...

And I don't care if I come across as a snob. I don't think its either Boone's Farm or Dom. There are plenty of cigars in between that can be quite good. Plus, I don't even like Opus. I just don't think that flavored cigars or crap like swishers are even remotely the same as hand rolled cigars. They are so dramatically different in so many ways I honestly don't see how they serve as a gateway to anything better.

Read my post again, and you will see that I wasn't busting on you or your wife. However, I will admit I was poking a little fun at the idea that Boone's farm is somehow "wine".
Agreed Boone's Farm should be called "fruit flavored alcohol".
The wife just didn't have a clue when she went cigar shopping, She still wont let me smoke in the house, so she isn't the perfect cigar wife, YET!
I don't think I'll get flavored cigars for valentines day, (I hope)
didn't mean to post when I was upset, my bad !
It's been a long winter, hasn't it? :whistling:
