The Rob_K's got no fuggin' smokes pass!

Pass order updated.
I thought we'd mix it up a little.
If the two folks that have the longest stretch need shipping me.
This is crazy!  Thanks for including me.  Them fancy sticks you starting with....I hope I can hang.
I'd like to be before Phil, Gary and Rob.  And after Mssrs. Jones and Fields.  Thanks for your consideration. Does this create a logistical nightmare?
BobbyRitz said:
I'd like to be before Phil, Gary and Rob.  And after Mssrs. Jones and Fields.  Thanks for your consideration. Does this create a logistical nightmare?
Put the line up in the order you'd like and post it!
I was just bustin' yer balls, Gary. What's a pass without a little drama?  :whistling:
BobbyRitz said:
I was just bustin' yer balls, Gary. What's a pass without a little drama?  :whistling: now go later in the round!
First post updated.
Damn! Now I don't get a shot at his "nicely aged Backwoods shaggy foots"!
Jonesy said:
Damn! Now I don't get a shot at his "nicely aged Backwoods shaggy foots"!
I still have your addy.  :whistling:
Gary - noone asked for the change.  You sir, need to be reprimanded.  :whistling:
BobbyRitz said:
Damn! Now I don't get a shot at his "nicely aged Backwoods shaggy foots"!
I still have your addy.  :whistling:
Gary - noone asked for the change.  You sir, need to be reprimanded.  :whistling:
You're in the lineup?
Box is in hand, will do p/t tomorrow then this goes out on Monday, unless the next guy needs me to hold it till a later time.

Take: DCL Put: DCM 90th
Take: 858 SG 2005 Put: Opus X Perfecxion 2003
Take: Unnamed Reserva Put: Fuente between the lines
Let me know what you think guys
Sweetrice80 said:
Take: DCL Put: DCM 90th
Take: 858 SG 2005 Put: Opus X Perfecxion 2003
Take: Unnamed Reserva Put: Fuente between the lines
Let me know what you think guys
Seems heavy on the DCM.
The BTL is a little more than the UNR...but you can't find the that may balance it.
Thoughts anyone?
grateful1 said:
Take: DCL Put: DCM 90th
Take: 858 SG 2005 Put: Opus X Perfecxion 2003
Take: Unnamed Reserva Put: Fuente between the lines
Let me know what you think guys
Seems heavy on the DCM.
The BTL is a little more than the UNR...but you can't find the that may balance it.
Thoughts anyone?
Gary I agree that it is a little on the heavy side with the DCM.  I will be honest, I was trying to get something in there that I have that not many others have.  If its to much I will find another stick that fits closer to the $13.00 range that the DCL is worth.  Since you PMed me that two for one is allowed on the DCL, maybe I can do two DCL for DCM?  since the DCM are about $25 a stick.
With the UNR, was the one stick I wanted.  My thought exactly was that I would be able to balance it out with the price being more on the BTL. My math BTL-~$12.00 and UNR ~$9.00
If "two for one" is allowed then I don't see a problem with that unless it means there won't be enough to go around for those that bat later in the lineup. As for the btl for the unr, I think it's cool.
Charley said:
If "two for one" is allowed then I don't see a problem with that unless it means there won't be enough to go around for those that bat later in the lineup. As for the btl for the unr, I think it's cool.
Two 'puts' for one 'take'(DCL).
However, everywhere I have looked has the DCL valued at $22, your price is much lower.  If that lower price was set based off of what you paid or just a good generosity price, then I will look for another stick to fit the price range.  I just always played it safe and did a MSRP, which I thought the DCM matched up well price wise and rarity.  