First person to pick the DATE when the amount of Sheridan's views passes the amount of views for 170 Bottles of Scotch on the Wall wins. It would help to take a screenshot of this if I'm not around.
Edit: Guessing is now closed. I expect this will happen after I leave for Hilton Head Friday night so if you think you are going to win please take a screen shot and send it to me. I'll get your prize out after I return.
Okay again thanks for contest. Second, I too leave for vacation next thursday (contest may be done by then) and hope you have a safe and fun vacation. That being said how does one take a "screen shot"? I have no idea how to do this.
Thanks Brandon
So August 22nd it is.
Thanks for info on the screen shot.
So August 22nd it is.
Did Tone-NY win? :laugh:
Sent the wife away on a short cruise last weekend with the girls, and had her pick up a bottle of Sheridan's for me. Think I'll crack it open tonight.