Pass order has been posted in the initial post. There was a change from my last update. Devin had wanted to be towards the end, but called and changed his mind and asked to be first. So, the pass starts east, heads west, then north and then back to the heartland. I'll get this going mid-week. Seems as though I thought I had single baggies and turns out I need to go get some. So, I'll send this out as soon as I get the supplies.
Also, there was some concern among a couple participants that I had changed the pass to include some stuff that is more towards the high end and that they may not be able to cover it. Don't worry, I am not nearly as stringent on dollar for dollar, year for year, etc. as some people. Let's keep it reasonable, but let's also not get out of control if a trade doesn't seem up to par to some who aren't in the pass. If any participants have a problem with this, let me know.
Thanks guys!