No worries, gents. Thanks to those who posted helpful ideas on this delicate subject. Let it end here., I'm going out on a limb here and going to offer my sincere advice. You may not like it, you may not appreciate it, but you asked, so here it goes anyway.
A good marriage is a partnership, but there comes a time that you get to say "this is who I am, this is what I like, and that's how it is". Perhaps this is one of those times.
Not out of arrogance, not out of spite, but out of honesty. You want to have a cigar a few nights a week? Brother, have one! My guess is that you're not one of those guys that closes the local tav four nights a week. If you're home, and having a peaceful smoke in the luxury of your garage or smoking area, your wife should respect the fact that you are home, that you love her, and the occasional smoke is just part of the deal. You could have far worse habits, to be sure.
My wife happens to smoke cigarettes several times a day. Neither of us smoke in the house, and I appreciate that. The lingering odor of smoke is offensive to many; you could walk into my home and never know that smokers live here, let alone regular smokers. If you're not "stinking up the house" I don't see the problem. There is no causal link between smoking cigars and cancer that has been proven conclusively. Doc's examples are good points, and solid examples. If you're wife has fallen into the anti smoking nazi trap, educate her. If the smell on you offends her, gargle, wash up, and brush afterwards....pretty simple.
The terse comment would be something like "grow a pair and tell her it is how it is". Within some decorum and moderation, even a bit of compromise, I believe that may be the answer.
I will add that I end most every day with a great smoke, and a beverage of some type on the deck, enjoying the leaf and the quiet of the night. It's my hour of solitude, an hour of peace and quiet and relaxation and reflection. I come away from my time less stressed, and much better equipped to deal with the confusion that is modern life. I think if more people gave themselves an hour of pure enjoyment and reflection every day, things in general would be far less crazy then they are now.
Yes, I eat steak, too.....
That's my advice....your choice is to take it or leave it. No offense either way. You asked, right...??
PS: Wife version 2.0 and I are celebrating 18 years together, today. I came home to wonderful dinner in the oven. My wife told me "...I figured you'd like a cigar and a drink first....". See why we're still together...??....