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The Newbie Friendly Primer - Cigars: 101

Thanks for the primer! It's nice to know the nuts and bolts of what I've been smoking!! This will be very helpful in sounding like i know what I'm talking about!!
bobbyshirley said:
Thanks for the primer! It's nice to know the nuts and bolts of what I've been smoking!! This will be very helpful in sounding like i know what I'm talking about!!

I just take Wilkey's cigar reviews and change the words around a bit and I sound like a cigar genius.
Zeebra said:
bobbyshirley said:
Thanks for the primer! It's nice to know the nuts and bolts of what I've been smoking!! This will be very helpful in sounding like i know what I'm talking about!!

I just take Wilkey's cigar reviews and change the words around a bit and I sound like a cigar genius.

Great idea!! "I think a great way to sound like a cigar genius is to take Wilkey's reviews and edit it a bit!" :laugh: :thumbs:
Topped for the 2 Dozen plus, Newest members to join Cigar Pass since last topped on March 6th, 2006. :D
Alright Zee, you're on my list now. Dammit, if I didn't have so much reading and writing to do for my research, I'd be doing more writing here.

I like your piece. What I've found is that this type of general and generally useful information that is scattered throughout the internet. But also concentrated at a few sites (such as JRCigars Cigar University) or in a few key posts on cigar BBs. Moreover, the interpretations of essential terms (such as "body" or "cocoa") vary in subtle and not so subtle ways from author to author. To create a truly comprehensive, integrative primer would be a significant undertaking. I wouldn't mind collaborating on such a thing, but my time and attention are tight these days. But then whose isn't?

I hope that as the warm weather rolls in, I'll be able to do some smoking to knock me out of these cigar doldrums and spark my enthusiasm again. It's just not the same when the only contact I have with cigars is to crack open my coolers and to gaze at them longingly.

And Zee, did I mention you're on my list? BTW, if the RCMP come knocking at your door inquiring about the half dozen small bags of crystalline white powder that I shipped out with your cigars... you can tell them it's for baking purposes only. :whistling:

You people have such short memories... :laugh:



The link took me to a very good and accurate explanation about the way CP and it's membership operates, and what they expect. Very good advice can be found here if a Newbie wants to know how to conduct himself in general on the Cigar Pass BB.

However, if there was any explanation regarding terminology as it relates directly to cigars, and smoking cigars, I was not able to find any.

As I previously mentioned in the first post, I created the Newbie Primer for the Newbies who have no clue as to some basic cigar terminology or basic cigar knowledge. I compiled the information for the Newbie who like myself in the beginning, wished that there were one place where they could find basic cigar information. This compilation of basic information is composed of what I first began to look for when I was brand spankin' new to cigars, and that which I wish I knew when I first started.

It took several months for me to gather these pieces of information on my own. And if it helps a Newbie, or any other cigar lover for that matter, get started with a better understanding, then it's existance is justified.

So go forth Newbie! Seek, Smoke, Enjoy and Learn! :D
You people have such short memories... :laugh:



The link took me to a very good and accurate explanation about the way CP and it's membership operates, and what they expect. Very good advice can be found here if a Newbie wants to know how to conduct himself in general on the Cigar Pass BB.

However, if there was any explanation regarding terminology as it relates directly to cigars, and smoking cigars, I was not able to find any.

As I previously mentioned in the first post, I created the Newbie Primer for the Newbies who have no clue as to some basic cigar terminology or basic cigar knowledge. I compiled the information for the Newbie who like myself in the beginning, wished that there were one place where they could find basic cigar information. This compilation of basic information is composed of what I first began to look for when I was brand spankin' new to cigars, and that which I wish I knew when I first started.

It took several months for me to gather these pieces of information on my own. And if it helps a Newbie, or any other cigar lover for that matter, get started with a better understanding, then it's existance is justified.

So go forth Newbie! Seek, Smoke, Enjoy and Learn! :D

Wow...didn't think that would strike a nerve like that. Relax buddy. It was a good post, I just can't figure out why you're a little defensive about it.
Everyone's nerves are a bit tense around here lately, I think it has to do with the crappy weather and almost everyone not getting enough sunshine and warmth.

Great post HBD! It was really worth the read :thumbs:
...I think it has to do with the crappy weather and almost everyone not getting enough sunshine and warmth.

Little sunshine and cold temps equates to no smoking for me...and that's damned frustrating.

HBD, thanks for topping this one as I am one of the newer newbies here!!

Very good info to pass along and I think the replies have good ideas too. I have been hoping to find something a bit more comprehensive than I have found at other sites. Seems like a lot of places tell you about how to cut, light, hold, smoke and others give history of cigars, reviews, how to charge your humidor etc. I have read a few posts here on Cigar Pass regarding flavor, body, experiences and how difficult it is to describe them (I'm thinking of a Wilkey post I read recently). That is great stuff!!!

Be glad to help out if this becomes a project, but likely the FOG's would have to do the heavy lifting... Besides, I only smoke about a dozen brands/models on even an infrequent basis and 3 or 4 on a regular basis, so I probably do not have the breadth of knowledgability and experience necessary, despite about 35 years of smoking.

BTW, Wilkey I feel your pain man, it's still cold and dreary here in Michigan. Definitely hinders the experience.


HBD, thanks for topping this one as I am one of the newer newbies here!!

Very good info to pass along and I think the replies have good ideas too. I have been hoping to find something a bit more comprehensive than I have found at other sites. Seems like a lot of places tell you about how to cut, light, hold, smoke and others give history of cigars, reviews, how to charge your humidor etc. I have read a few posts here on Cigar Pass regarding flavor, body, experiences and how difficult it is to describe them (I'm thinking of a Wilkey post I read recently). That is great stuff!!! ...

antaean, If you found it useful, that makes me happy. That is what it's here for. Just call me The Newbie's Friend! :D

Wow...didn't think that would strike a nerve like that. Relax buddy. It was a good post, I just can't figure out why you're a little defensive about it.

No nerve was struck at all. I was merely pointing out the fact that you posted the link to your Cigar BB Guide on this thread which is meant to educate Newbies about cigars, when in fact the Cigar BB Guide is a manual on how a Newbie should act on CP. The Cigar BB Guide really has nothing to do with educating a new cigar smoker with basic cigar information which is what The Newbie Primer is meant for.

It is nice to have some pride about something you create. I am as proud of The Newbie Primer as you apparently are about the Cigar BB Guide. I spent a lot of time putting the information together and it means a lot to me that new cigar smokers will have an opportunity that I did not have when I got started. It's a great way to "Pass It Forward".

I enjoy helping those who are just getting started. There are several new smokers that have called me their mentor. I am proud to be a mentor to others. :thumbs:

I'm sorry that you interpreted more meaning into my post than what it was meant to convey.

HBD, I'm sure you've seen this link, The Internet Cigar Group FAQ. I think your guide is a more compact and accessible version of that monster tome. Those new to cigars might find that one useful as well.


Hi Wilkey,

I actually started out on ICG as my first cigar BB. But no, I have not seen that FAQ. I'll check it out to see what I'm missing. Even Old Dogs can learn new tricks. :D

Thanks Bro! :thumbs:


I retract that statement. I have seen that FAQ. I just forgot about it. :blush: