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The new skin has been released!

My eyes just went....aaaaaaaah.

I love it in the 'Brown'....

Thanks Rod for all your hard work.
Am I missing something?  I click "Change Theme" at the bottom of the page and it just jumps to the top of the page without changing anything...
If you're using google chrome (like I was), then you'll have to switch over to Internet Explorer, log in, and then switch the theme.  It should save the setting to your profile and when you go back to your default browser, it'll be whichever skin you chose.
I was using Firefox.  I had to do the same.  Logged in with IE8, changed my skin, then logged in with Firefox and it works!!  Thanks Rod!And Dave (and Rod),  Ever since it went to the blue my profile pic has shown up as my avatar... all skewed and everything..
Also,  It won't let me put line spaces into my post.  After "Thanks Rod!" and before "And Dave" should have a double space...
Am I missing something? I click "Change Theme" at the bottom of the page and it just jumps to the top of the page without changing anything...
If you're using google chrome (like I was), then you'll have to switch over to Internet Explorer, log in, and then switch the theme. It should save the setting to your profile and when you go back to your default browser, it'll be whichever skin you chose.
I was using Firefox. I had to do the same. Logged in with IE8, changed my skin, then logged in with Firefox and it works!! Thanks Rod!And Dave (and Rod), Ever since it went to the blue my profile pic has shown up as my avatar... all skewed and everything..
Also, It won't let me put line spaces into my post. After "Thanks Rod!" and before "And Dave" should have a double space...
:laugh: I'm just messing with ya bruddah Ben! Many of us have had to find new avatar pics to use with this upgrade and wouldn't ya know it, Totoro came out really clear so Totoro it is!
As for why it won't double space, I'm stumped too. I've used a Mac, iPad, and a PC running Windows 7 with IE8 and my posts come out fine. There was a glitch one day, but it has since disappeared so I can say everything is running fine.
I'd like to see the join dates show below a members avatar like it used to show Rod. So many new faces all the time, it is an easy way for me to keep track of who's who, or someone from days of old who hasn't been around in years.
There are some bugs with the CP skin, which I plan to fix.