Why I love CP:
1. Racist bullshit isn't tolerated here.
2. The FOGS who keep our community clean are actually intelligent, insightful, good people.
3. We have Wilkey.
4. We have Rod.
5. We have like...two or three female members. Hell, we might have a baker's dozen if you included the bitches who are always hanging out
in the chat room. Ohhhhhh. Sorry about that fellas, I couldn't resist.

Put down the knife Robbie, I was just kidding.
6. Somebody's always selling or trading something.
7. Beats the hell out of marriage counseling. If you're thinking about choking out the old lady, just come here. Support is an 'enter' key away.
8. Search is your friend f.cker.
9. We have Doc, MC, and Matt the Sex Guy.
10. Plenty of good and bad advice to be had from a diverse assortment of attorneys, carpenters, IT nerds, soldiers, fornicaters, and addicts
in general.
11. My Secret Santa is getting me a blowjob for Christmas (fingers crossed).
12. Bombs, bombs and more bombs. Everybody loves bombs.
13. Girls, girls, and more girls. Everybody loves girls. Well, most everybody.
14. Foam, concrete, jerky, fish, pink boas, people from Alaska, beedog, dildos, damning photos, etc.
15. Puffstuff, Hermit11, tobaccoleaf, NCMK, the Outlaw folks, and many generous brothers who offer up the rarities and more.
16. Internet celebrity Moki spottings.
my meds are starting to weeaaerj off.
17. Burning asshats is fun.
18. Uhhm, that chick with the snake, she was fun. And then she got burned. And that was even more fun.
19. Well, it's obvious now that I'm just making a pathetic attempt to get to 20.
20. The passes, of course. Cuz it all started with the passes, right? It didn't. Well, search is your friend f.cker.