Think positive bro! Negative breeds Negative ....
On another note... BEXP has popped after back to back days with over 1,000,000 shares traded. Today could be that day!
Alot of anal .... lists .. ( heh..heh) say that China is the place to be the next couple of months. Well we have dug there with our CPSL stock! Let's see if we can make it anywhere near the surface. I'm sick of buying high and selling low.
How 'bout you gentlemen?
Does anyone have anything they are doing in a peronal portfolio that we could watch the rest of the week? If so.... Post it.
I just personally bought some BAC at $4.65. Figured I'll either make a quick buck or donate to the cause, cuz this is short term strategy. I wish I could afford to just tuck it away for a few years. How ever I may sell it to just get my capital back and keep the profit in shares tucked. IF ... it makes me some that is. My luck.. she'll go down closer to 4.00 and I'll have to cut bait. Cross your fingers for me. Anyone else like or dislike BAC?
"LEAF FUND" shares = 8.90_ _ _ a unit