Sorry, don't know what came over me. :laugh:
And good luck at the Nationals.
I'm not sure what your original post said, but...
I am keeping an eye on our stocks hoping they will move towards a possitive number and can be sold for some gain. AOI has tumbled rather irationaly because the tobbacco industry has reported a record profitability this year. I expect it to reverse as soon as the 2nd quarter numbers come out. I've been wrong more than right

(Hope that makes everyone feel good).
We have no choice with our GWDC.OB, the comission is more than the value.
CPSL is at the sell and get out with minimum loss or hang tuff if you believe in it. VOTE?
WEL is almost at our 15% gain trigger after commissions. I have 2.45 which it hit last June 6 & 9 (2.44 & 2.48). Naturally I thought it might be headed for the $3 teir and selfishly held. VOTE?
SIRI was bought under the understanding that it would merge with XM. Rumors had it to make money. We have held on and yo-yo'd with her for almost a year now. During this time we have had several members want to dump her, while the other several want to hold. I don't think we will get rich with it, but we could hopefully see the merger take place and get a small gain out of it. It only needs 1 more FCC vote to get it done. It's 2 yes and 1 no votes right now with 2 left. What a damn drama!
Here is the buy prices again.
AOI - 5.92 / -35.71% current(3.87)
CPSL - 5.42 / -13.95% current(4.75)
GWDC.OB - .53 ( fuggin Titanic )/ -88.68% current(.06)
SIRI - 3.41 / -30.21% current(2.38)
WEL - 1.89 / +19.10% current(2.37)
cash - 94.03
Portfolio value = 1437.03 Share Value = 19.1604