Hey Steve! Good to see you back! Kinda funny... ZAAP heads south and no Stevey. ZAAP comes roarin' back and look at who busts the doors open. LMAO!!!!!
You and Rob are probably right! And I hope so, cause I know you both have personal ZAAP. But I pulled a boner, I sold it @ .99. I didn't think anyone was going to weigh in like yesterday and most all the other times. Also I've figured out that PINK SHEETS & OTCBB stocks won't work with the trade triggers on TDAMERITRADE. So I jumped us off the electric car stock. If things go like they have, it'll be at 3.00 tomorrow.

We made a cool 28.00 on the trade though.... LMAO!!! And they can't ake it back from us now! This is what I can't figure out though. It cost 9.99 to buy it, and TD sold the 200 shares in lots of 100 (not our problem, we posted 200 for sale). First 100 cost 9.99 comm +.01 for sales fee, then the 2nd 100 cost 0.00 comm +.01 sales fee. WTF. I don't feel like calling them up and scrappin' for a freakin couple of penny's, but it says 9.99 a trade. It should have cost us 19.98 to buy and sell... not 20.00. And I apologize for gettin' us out. I want this to be a group effort, not the cohibasurfer loses everyones cash show!
I know the patience thing has it's virtue, but I want to get us some stogies this year. Sittin' on flat stocks hasn't done us very well. But we will do it if that's what everyone wants. We really need to trade into strength and buy the dips. I've made us over $70 since the new shares joined in. Of course jumped out early and cost us a pretty penny (about $300 to be exact) with BEXP. I know the TRR trade hasn't worked out, and if we would have sold today we would have lost $49 bucks on it. And WEL didn't ramp up like I thought, but it should take off, it would if WE sold it!!!

We are +$3 if we sold today! WOOOHOOO!!! That leaves us with that tanking coffee stock GWDC.OB. It might jump a couple dimes here in the next week. But we aren't out but $53 bucks if it shrivels up like a raisin. So we have just let it sit there all important like, instead of paying $10 to get rid of it.
We are 24.50** a share as of today.
Have I rambled on enough yet? I could go on ya know?
We are so penny anty and can't buy real quality stocks because of the small amount of paper we have. What I'd like to do, is get a plan set using FRI, SAT, & SUN for people interested to do homework. Take some action on Monday with a trade trigger for buys, then sell at 15% gains or anything around $25 profit after comm. and SALES FEE'S. Tally our paper money by Friday, then do homework FRI, SAT, & SUN repeat chorus. Of course we have to take losses on the chin as well.
OK fellers, bash away! :thumbs: