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I think we are going to have a nice up day for the fund and the market.

I'm sending off that Winners package tomorrow, maybe you'll have a nice up day here shortly! That's the correct addy in profile, right?

Received the package on Friday - Had some delicious coffee over the weekend. It was too damn cold to smoke the great hh. Thanks. :thumbs: Now lets get those stocks moving north.
Ok I have a question. I asked Cookie_1978 already as I sent him some for winning the contest.

Anyone that has bought or even just seen roasted Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans, can you tell me if the beans are glossy and oily. Because the beans I bought from the stock GWDC are not. Also the beans are small in size compared to most coffee beans I've seen. They are a medium brown with no sheen to them at all. I bought a few varieties, and the JBM and Yemen beans have the same apperance. The Papua New Guinea beans look like Killer Beans. Dark rosted with an oily gloss ( I'll be honest, they taste nothing like African Assassin, but they cost alot less, I'll be paying the difference :) ) Anyway enough of that, I'd really like some education on Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans.

Sorry Michael, bought it as beans but had it ground at the shop and don't remember what they look like. Wish I could be of more help.
So the news is the first coffee house in China is going to be pushed back! Suprise! Nice to know the contractors in China work on the same level as American contractors! The stock still shouldn't have slipped on the heels of that. There must be something deeper. I am not familiar with the management team. But my question on the JBM coffee above has several angles I'm trying to discern. Please don't make me post another thread about the JBM coffee. :sign: Can anyone give me a visual on a roasted Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee bean? Thanks.

Here's the latest news on GWDC .... Visit this Website
Jamiaca Blue Mountain... the cuban cigar of the coffee world. I left the business about 4 years ago but I know at that time retail sales data for the US was reporting more JBM sales then was actually being produced. :whistling: It is highly conterfieted. The beans size are rated #1, #2, #3 going from small to large. (small being a #1) Green beans use to only be shipped out as #1's when I was in the business but roasted beans was all over the board. Have no idea if that has changed.

My experience with JBM was they never were very oily. IMO they have a very light almost floral extract vs some of the more bold flavors of say Kenya. (one of my favorite) People in the business call it a "refined" cup of coffee but I always thought of it as way to light for my taste.

FWIW, those buying it in the stores.... be careful. Many manufacturers sell it as a blend. If it is a blend it is suppose to say so somewhere on the package but its not nessessarily in your face on the packaging. The same goes for Kona coffee. If its 100% JBM or Kona you can expect that 100% title to be boldly and proudly displayed in the packaging. Things may have changed in the last four years but at that time having as little as 1% of JBM or Kona in the blend qualified it to put the JBM or Kona name on the package. :rolleyes:
Jamiaca Blue Mountain... the cuban cigar of the coffee world. I left the business about 4 years ago but I know at that time retail sales data for the US was reporting more JBM sales then was actually being produced. :whistling: It is highly conterfieted. The beans size are rated #1, #2, #3 going from small to large. (small being a #1) Green beans use to only be shipped out as #1's when I was in the business but roasted beans was all over the board. Have no idea if that has changed.

My experience with JBM was they never were very oily. IMO they have a very light almost floral extract vs some of the more bold flavors of say Kenya. (one of my favorite) People in the business call it a "refined" cup of coffee but I always thought of it as way to light for my taste.

FWIW, those buying it in the stores.... be careful. Many manufacturers sell it as a blend. If it is a blend it is suppose to say so somewhere on the package but its not nessessarily in your face on the packaging. The same goes for Kona coffee. If its 100% JBM or Kona you can expect that 100% title to be boldly and proudly displayed in the packaging. Things may have changed in the last four years but at that time having as little as 1% of JBM or Kona in the blend qualified it to put the JBM or Kona name on the package. :rolleyes:

Yup...this is what I'm seeing as well. It appears my wholesaler roasted on the 'oily' side....still, I never had a problem with the beans.

I looked at this thread because I think GWDC is a good buy.

Enjoy the Ride! :D
Thanks guys!

I've been lookin' at SIRI. I think we are in trouble with this now. The merger probably won't happen. My spidey sense is tellin' me to sell, sell, sell! Plus the shorts have ahold of it.

Everything else looks just as bad....lol!!!! :whistling:
Thanks guys!

I've been lookin' at SIRI. I think we are in trouble with this now. The merger probably won't happen. My spidey sense is tellin' me to sell, sell, sell! Plus the shorts have ahold of it.

Everything else looks just as bad....lol!!!! :whistling:

Where did you hear that the merger is derailed?
actually SIRI is a great play, it's like a subpenny without the scamming and dilution.

buy at 2.80 sell at 3.20 over and over and over and over....
Thanks guys!

I've been lookin' at SIRI. I think we are in trouble with this now. The merger probably won't happen. My spidey sense is tellin' me to sell, sell, sell! Plus the shorts have ahold of it.

Everything else looks just as bad....lol!!!! :whistling:

Where did you hear that the merger is derailed?

Gut feelin' ... and believe you me... it's a big un' :cool:

Yeah... we bought in at 3.41

Same goes with the microwave stock GBRC! We got in to fricken high! Or we could have been channeling that one too.
Coffee is roasted medium or dark. A medium roast will not elicit an oily bean because it has not gone far into the second crack.

Jamaican is grown high up and is usually roasted to a "City Roast", just into the second crack which will elicit a little oil on the bean. However, some people may prefer a medium roast,
just after the first crack, no oil will be present with a medium roast.

Many roasters roast their beans well into the second crack. If their beans are not good quality, you wouldn't know the difference.

Hello LEAF FUND members!

We finally had an upward movement on Thursday 3/20/08. + $68.00. Thank goodness! The fund has been tanking all month. All the stocks we are in are down considerabley. GBRC was almost at 50% of our original buy. Would have been a great time to add to our position. I know I made some chump change on a couple hundred shares. ZAAP has dropped way below it's value IMO. I grabed 1000 shares at .55 for myself also. Our coffee stock GWDC is over 50% down. But we bought so little that trading it is not an option. I'm not sold on the coffee, I mean they have some good beans, but nothing radically better than other competitors. Hopefully the China shops do well and we can get back to even. We are still waiting on the first shop to open. It was scheduled to open in FEBUARY, but was pushed back do to bad weather causing building delays. That leaves SIRI, what a mess. Not a stock I would pick if we had a do over. :angry: All we can do is wait and hope the merger gets approved.

On a completely different note. LVLT is at a price that I consider a buy. They had a managment shake up, which might generate some confidence in the stock now. Nullsmurf would know more about this than me though. The Director of Level 3 has been buying quite a bit of stock lately, which is a good sign. You guys might want to look at LVLT for your personal porfolio's. JMO.

The Fund value as of the market close on 3/20/08 is : $641.98

That breaks down to $25.6792 a share. :(
Not so good. But.... we are still in the game.

Remember... next month will be buy in time. Also for those that want out... this is time to sell your shares. For those of you interested in either, keep your eyes peeled for instructions on this thread.
Hello LEAF FUND members!

We finally had an upward movement on Thursday 3/20/08. + $68.00. Thank goodness! The fund has been tanking all month. All the stocks we are in are down considerabley. GBRC was almost at 50% of our original buy. Would have been a great time to add to our position. I know I made some chump change on a couple hundred shares. ZAAP has dropped way below it's value IMO. I grabed 1000 shares at .55 for myself also. Our coffee stock GWDC is over 50% down. But we bought so little that trading it is not an option. I'm not sold on the coffee, I mean they have some good beans, but nothing radically better than other competitors. Hopefully the China shops do well and we can get back to even. We are still waiting on the first shop to open. It was scheduled to open in FEBUARY, but was pushed back do to bad weather causing building delays. That leaves SIRI, what a mess. Not a stock I would pick if we had a do over. :angry: All we can do is wait and hope the merger gets approved.

On a completely different note. LVLT is at a price that I consider a buy. They had a managment shake up, which might generate some confidence in the stock now. Nullsmurf would know more about this than me though. The Director of Level 3 has been buying quite a bit of stock lately, which is a good sign. You guys might want to look at LVLT for your personal porfolio's. JMO.

The Fund value as of the market close on 3/20/08 is : $641.98

That breaks down to $25.6792 a share. :(
Not so good. But.... we are still in the game.

Remember... next month will be buy in time. Also for those that want out... this is time to sell your shares. For those of you interested in either, keep your eyes peeled for instructions on this thread.

Too late, Buckwheat. LVLT is up 12% as I type. Still, at $2 is still a bargain. I think it'll triple inside of a year. The President, Kevin O'Hara was invited to the door last week. That's what the shakeup is about. I liked him, but won't miss him. He was one of the smartest, stupid people I know. I would go into combat with the CEO, Jim Crowe, now President as well.
Woohoo! Justice Department approved XM-Sirius merger! SIRI shot up 10%+ on the news, but its startng to slide back.
Woohoo! Justice Department approved XM-Sirius merger! SIRI shot up 10%+ on the news, but its startng to slide back.

:thumbs: Yep...looks like we will go to a positive with SIRI today! GBRC retreated though :angry:

Share value = 26.0352 :rolleyes:

So what is the magic number to sell this puppy? We bought in way high at 3.41. I'm thinking 5.25-5.30. But what do I know?

A few stocks I'm going to watch for a buy opportunity today:





(sell) QNTA - Dividend of 1.75 a share. Last day to be on record. I'm already in at $3.25; I'll sell over $4.00
Well - based on the movement today in siri, I don't think we will see anything near $ 3.50. I believe the deal is for every 4.6 shares of SIRI, you receive 1 share of XMSR. This may be dead money. Anyone else have any thoughts on this merger?
Ohh sure it will. As soon as all the shorts get semi covered it will POP! cramer thinks the stock will go to $6. How long it that takes is another story. :sign:
Don't think it will get to six. Anywhere close to 5 is probably a good time to get out. Just my opinion though.