The King is dead!


'From man's sweat and God's love, beer came to be.
May 11, 2005
Damn! The world record for eating hot dogs was smashed in Tempe, Arizona, by Joey Chestnut, the old record of 53 hot dogs eaten in twelve minutes was surpassed at The Southwest Regional Hot Dog Eating Championship. Joey beat out world famous hot dog eating champ Kobayashi by eating 59 1/2 hot dogs in twelve minutes. All hail the king! Now if you will excuse me, my stomach is upset just thinking about it. :(
I could probably down 30 but not 59. Thats craziness.
I watched this stuff before and it is borderline disturbing to even watch.
I had 6 yesterday and that was enough. 59 is insane.
I didn't think anyone was ever going to beat Kobayashi. It's amazing they don't die!
I don't understand how they can call extreme eating a sport. Seems to be a lot of controversy surrounding it. IMHO, I hope it dies a quick death. :sign:
I could proboably handle about 10 but why the hell would I want to?! This just seems rediculous to me. Seems like a huge health risk too.