And we have a Winner!! Wyatt has won the last contest of my pass with the winning Powerball number 12! I'll get your package out to you on Tuesday.12!!!
I was thinking the same thing when you told me you were gonna have to send the OpFTH stick on to preembargo.I should have the pass tomorrow so I'll announce the winner before I go into work tomorrow night.Thanks for the pass Brian. You done good. All that's left is the final tally on the OPFTH sticks. Something tells me we were all LOW on our guesses.
Well guys, I want to thank all of you for your generosity in donating some sticks to go to OpFTH for our troops. Our total before I add mine is ......64!. Congrats to NCCL on his winning guess of 69! As promised David, you get to choose a cigar from the pass list, I will then "lock" 3, and you get to choose one more.I'll take 69 .......
Wow! Thanks for fixing my mistake Matt. I must now try to remove my foot from my mouth and try to get David to accept my sincerest apologies for this mistake. With the addition of the box that Marc and Mike so graciously donated, that puts the total before my addition to 90!!Does that include the box Mike and Marc sent?
No problem Bro! Here are the three I am locking down that you can't choose from.Wow, thanks for the contest Uncle Jonesy... This was one hell of a pass and I know the gents oversea are going to love this gift!! Now as far as my first pick, I think I would love to try the Cohiba PIRAMIDE Edicion Limitada 2006!! Thanks agian!!!!
Wow! Thanks for fixing my mistake Matt. I must now try to remove my foot from my mouth and try to get David to accept my sincerest apologies for this mistake. With the addition of the box that Marc and Mike so graciously donated, that puts the total before my addition to 90!!Does that include the box Mike and Marc sent?
This in turn makes Cody5thou the new winner with his guess of 73!
Cohiba PIRAMIDE Edicion Limitada 2006
Don Carlos Edicion de Aniversario robusto!!!