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Toaster and Luckydawg, The easyest way to do this is, gibu will ship to vewyphishy and vewyphishy will ship it to Luckydawg as the origanal line up stated.

Luckydawg, when you get the pass, you and Toaster hook up as quick as posable and due what ever it is you guys plan on duing without soiling the cigars and then split the shipping to Robbmt, since he comes after you in the pass.

Toaster, Sound cool to you?

Luckydawg, Sound cool to you??

Done deal then!!!

Sounds cool to me too and I'm not even involved with this hand off...... :D :thumbs: :p
Just wanted to say, unless Styx gives it up, I'd like to have the Trini (#60) left for him as a token of my appreciation for making this one of the easiest (except for the selection) passes I've ever been involved in.

Joe, if you could put it in a baggie and mark it for Styx, I'd appreciate it. :D
The box was delivered today!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

Should be at Joe's front door waiting to knock him on his pooper. :p
Yeppers, got it. Box looks in great shape. I won't be able to get at it until tomorrow. Will follow up ASAP with all the important stuff and will get her out the door ASAP.

Thanks for letting me play...more later.

This has got to be the best packing job I have seen Gary! Nice job! I"ll go through it all tonight and post my stuff...more to follow.

Hey if two people before me can make a play on this box without the shipping time involved that's great. Works for me. Essentially I think you should try to meet CP brothers if possible anyway.
You know I would think that for nothing else but the title . . . . this should be a far more popular pass . . .
Hey Steve! Saw you on and wanted to let you know the pass will be heading out to you Monday...Sorry I have not posted P/T yet, they are coming!!!

PhoenixAshes said:
You know I would think that for nothing else but the title . . . . this should be a far more popular pass . . .
I think the pass is doing just fine!!

I sure as hell didnt start it to win no stinking popularity contest!!!!!

So what is the point your trying to make?
Let's everyone not get all stirred up here! :sign: I think he was simply giving a compliment on the name of the pass.
Take your time and have fun with it Joe, you've got all weekend. :thumbs: I'm ready and waiting for it though when it does arrive. Looking forward to all the great stuff to choose from.

I usally have a put and take list the length of my arm just because I'm so lousey at making tough choices. Hopefully this time I can get by without changing out half the dang box. ??? We'll see though.

I have to agree on PhoenixAshes wondering through. He was extreamly freindly on another thread so I have to think he didn't mean anything by it. Just an awkward phrasing. I was a little put out when I first read his post though. Just who the blazes does he think he is in the words of Stewie Griffin. :p
Okay Boys, here we go:


71 R.A. Sepcially Selected-ISOM
72 SLR Regios-ISOM
73 Camacho Carojo Churchill
74 La Aurora Pref. #2 Cam
75 Trinidad Pyramid
76 Davidoff Special R


3 Diamond Crown Robusto
46 Padron Aniv. 1964 Belicoso
48 Partagas 898 Var-ISOM
54 bolivar Immensus-ISOM

She'll be leaving tomorrow to Gibu/Steve #0302 2940 0002 4603 7615

S&S-I took care of your request and it is set aside for you!!!

Thanks for letting me play! Again, the packing job in this box is wonderful and everything looks great. I moved some missplaced sticks from the Super Prem box to the Prem box, where they belong and she is all packed up tight.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!!

Joe I.
GREAT PLAY JOE!!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:


:p gibu, breath through your nose or you'll pass out!!! Have fun Steve!! :D