Rod said:
Quick update on this pass. It was supposed to goto Misc, however I had to skip Misc and send the pass to the next person on the list, which in MPasser. Reason being, Misc used a PO Box as a mailing address, and I can only ship via UPS. UPS will not send to a PO Box. PO Boxes are also very unsecure. I will be adding to the "Rules of a Cigar Pass" very soon, stating no PO Boxes are to be used in a pass, unless the originator of the pass wishes to accept PO Boxes. Not only does UPS not ship to PO Boxes, this is also for the safety of your pass.
I'd really appreciate it if you didn't make that a rule, Rod.
* I've been in dozens of passes and trades without a single problem.
* The whole POINT of using a PO box is that it's 100% secure, as opposed to my physical mailbox, from which things get stolen all the time.
* Who on the planet is unable to send anything via USPS?! Is this a religeous thing for you, or are you actually unable to use the post office for some reason?
* Every pass-master gets my addy from my profile, which clearly states it as a PO box and, in big, bold letters, "UPS WILL NOT DELIVER TO A PO BOX." I think folks can decide to have me in or out based on that, without you misleading them into thinking that I'm a security risk to their pass.
But, hey -- thanks, anyway.