The Gr8full She'll have my sorry tale pass

SFG75 said:
wasch_24 said:
This is going down in Cigar Pass history as a classic for sure.

STFU newb!

:D :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :p
KISS MY BIG FAT A** you F'ing Old Guy

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
bigmac said:
SamClemmons said:
BM - Your allies are imaginary.

I have many more than you think.
Excellent. I'm sure you will both have a lot to talk about during the holidays. Hello to davey.
Feliz Navidad

NA :laugh:
Now this was fun! :D I thought for sure there was going to be a few more serious meltdowns but it looks like {with one exception} no harm was done. And Mike {CS} for not knowing what was going on you sure did hold your cool pretty well! I still think Moki and CC are big dick's :p but you will definitely be getting the nod in the best actor category! Russ, sorry for the hassle! Your a good sport and will be taken care of very well for this. :thumbs: I thought for sure there would be more of an uproar when Emo and I posted up that CPI would probably not cover the lose and people would start trashing it. Kudos to all and a “merry Xmas” :blush:
SamClemmons said:
bigmac said:
SamClemmons said:
BM - Your allies are imaginary.

I have many more than you think.
Excellent. I'm sure you will both have a lot to talk about during the holidays. Hello to davey.
Feliz Navidad

NA :laugh:

JFYI He isnt included in my friends list although I really have no problem with him. You can try to marginalize me all you want but to no avail I couldnt give a damn what you think of me or anyone else as I have zero respect for you or your opinion( and that isnt a joke). :p
As for the joke I was just standing up for moki and I will stand by that. I wasnt standing against sky or anyone else that wasnt out of line as I saw it, but I do have some egg on my face especially with leebo whom I will sincerly appologise to.
LEEBO, My appologies.
I think the best part of the whole fight was when Neal called a raggamuffin mouth or somert to that affect. LMAO
vewyphishy said:
I'm a terrible actor, so I kept my mouth shut. I would've hated to be the reason the cover got blown, although Neal's staunch defense and moki's over-the-top accusations were probably enough. Besides, if this had been real, there wouldn't have nearly been so much tongue-in-cheek hostility. ;)

Cathartic, I tell you. I should do this more often... :)
Gr8full, I can only imagine how you've been sleeping the last few nights and your poor wife...... your poor wife prob got an earfull over the last few days. I admired how well you kept your cool throughout. I saw you start to meltdown once but you quickly deleted some of that post and stayd the high road.... good show and speaks volumes about you. Now tell the wife to post up so we can REALLY know how well you kept your cool. ROFLMAO! :cool:

Floyd my brother...... I would have your PO check for ticking packages addressed to you. ROFLMAO! ;) :laugh:
Knowing Russell a little bit from the boards over the last couple of years, I have no doubt he was able to keep his head about this. His faith in God is pretty strong, from what I remember, but, I betcha a buck he was asking the Lord to strike lightning across Floyd's ass once or twice. LMAO!!
Matt R said:
I betcha a buck he was asking the Lord to strike lightning across Floyd's ass once or twice. LMAO!!

LOL-This was an awesome line, I'll have to jot that one down to use sometime when I'm in traffic or something. ;) Yeah, I bet Floyd's wife almost wished the same for him.

Funniest line?-When Floyd mentioned that his pass was "tit's up" and how things were on the homefront. God that was great!!. :laugh: :laugh: My sides are seriously hurting-you guys have to stop, I'm going to need medical attention if this keeps up. :laugh: :laugh:
Matt R said:
Knowing Russell a little bit from the boards over the last couple of years, I have no doubt he was able to keep his head about this. His faith in God is pretty strong, from what I remember, but, I betcha a buck he was asking the Lord to strike lightning across Floyd's ass once or twice. LMAO!!
I am not a religous man by any stretch of the imagination, but even I was hoping that god would smack Floyd with a bolt of lightning. LOL
Hell, I had to get off of here from laughing so hard last night!!!

Browndevil and SFG were killing me but they held their own with Neal.

Russell, hope your blood pressure has returned to normal after I pm'ed that bit about Moki being in on a group buy with Floyd on another board for some very expensive Short Churchills, and giving him the big stiffie!! LMAO

Seriously, what did you think when you read that? Reason being, I read your first pm when you told me that some folks thought Floyd stole your pass.......I didn't know it was a joke until I got on here and the other one and fired the after burners!!


A classic, that will be remembered for many years!

Thanks for the laughs!!

BM, I don't know why you're apologizing to me, I never pay atention to you anyway....... ;)
Leebo8-9-8 said:
BM, I don't know why you're apologizing to me, I never pay atention to you anyway....... ;)

Matters not whether you pay attention or not, I was in the wrong with you and owed you an appology, you can accept it or not I have done the right thing and offered it. ;)

P.S. you responded to it anyway so i guess you do pay attention. ;)
Way to owe up Biggie. Lord knows we've all lost it a time or two. Best wishes to you and yours. :thumbs:
I can't find anything insulting..........

Oh well..... :laugh:
Lemme see........ I'm going to dig DEEEEEEP back into my 6th grade book of snappy come backs:


neeener neeener
other1 said:
I still think you're all a$$holes. ??? :whistling:

Really??? I'm a member of the "SamClemmons school of caustic studies." Hopefully I'm the valedictorian. :D :D :D
coventrycat86 said:
Lemme see........ I'm going to dig DEEEEEEP back into my 6th grade book of snappy come backs:


neeener neeener
I'm rubber and you're... ah, screw it. :cool:
I was one of the $hit stirers. What I said about Cohibasurfer about stiring $hit was a laugh as I was the one doing it. If I offended you CS I'm sorry. Thanks to Floyd and Moki for letting me play. My first post was real in defense of Floyd. The rest was just in fun. One of the classic meltdowns I have ever witnessed. :laugh:
You F'ers!

Can laugh now, but I had a **** load of cigars boxed up to send out, glad I can keep them.......

I wont say I was hooked but I tracked down a name and address and such to have a couple ball players visit, if ya know what I mean.

You F'ers!
