The GAS Pass 2009

Just checked through for any signs of major visible damage and didn't see anything glaring, although I will do an inventory over the weekend to be sure. The humidity is good in both containers and I have to say I am pretty impressed with the packing method employed. More to come when it isn't 2 am, got some toddler's bday party tomorrow to make my day into some sort of adventure...
Just checked through for any signs of major visible damage and didn't see anything glaring, although I will do an inventory over the weekend to be sure. The humidity is good in both containers and I have to say I am pretty impressed with the packing method employed. More to come when it isn't 2 am, got some toddler's bday party tomorrow to make my day into some sort of adventure...

Thanks, bud!

I spent quite a good deal of time preparing the foam, sealing the bottom of the box, and taking care of the containers. I figured if I was going to throw around $1000 bucks worth of smokes, it was worth a few hours of my time to make sure everything was taken care of.
Pass report from Phil:


I am going through each stick right now and here are the concerns I have found:

33) Oliva V has a crack at the foot extending up about half an inch. Still smokable imo but I doubt it will survive more than another trip or two as such, it is big enough that it will spread.

Do what you think is best with this smoke. As it's only about $8ish I'm not too awfully concerned. I'd say leave it and let someone take it as a discount.

35) BGM has some strange substance along the last half inch or so of the foot. At first I thought it was mold but on inspection I think it is pectin that was used to repair a crack, as a small hole is visible.

Odd. I know it wasn't like this when I shipped it.... don't know. Is the hole a beetle hole? Or... ?

38) Cohiba Siglo VI '06 has a series of hairline cracks extending from the band to the top of the cap and splitting out. I think it would cause a real problem when clipped, assuming it doesn't fall apart sooner which is more likely.

Figures a 20+ dollar cigar would be damaged... use your judgment on what you think is best. If it's really that messed up, probably best to remove it.

45) Cuaba Distinguidos '06: Cracked at the cap spreading down about 1/2- 2/3 an inch. The same thing happened to a cuaba salamone in my pass and it was destroyed by the time it got home. Right now this is still smokable but if the crack spreads anymore you will be clipping too much of the head and it will unravel.

.... again, use your best judgement.... :angry: :angry: :angry:

46) SLR A from 06 has a chip out of the wrapper towards the foot. I would have no problem taking it anyways but it is my job to mention it. If you want I can replace it with an 01 and just do a direct swap.

If you want, that's fine... but don't feel obligated to do so. If it's so minor that would go away after lighting and taking a few puffs, don't worry about.

55) Padilla Signature 1932 Churchill: Has a couple of noticeable chunks out of the wrapper (like as if there was once a patch there maybe 1/4 inch wide) as well as a crack at the foot spreading upwards.

Leave it and we'll let someone take it at a discount.

69) Partagas Privada has a light mold developing above the band to the cap. It is noticeable and I am isolating it pending your direction.

Absolutely remove it from the pass. Don't worry about putting anything for it.

37 (esplendido) and 44 (VR) both look like they have light water damage on the bands. The smokes are fine so no worries, just curious if you knew why the bands would be water damaged.

I believe you're referring to the poor appearance of the bands. The vendor that mailed these cigars shipped them w/o bands. They were clearly torn off without regard to the integrity of the band. I had to reapply them as best as I could.

Phil, is there any way you could pics of all of this up - if it's not too much work? If it delays the pass a day or two, I'm not too concerned. Pictures would really help me with my decisions. If we decide to remove some smokes, I will be mailing a pack to souldog to put in the pass to replace them. :)

To the future passers: Please, if you can, inspect the pass carefully! If it delays the pass a day, I'm not too worried about it. I highly doubt this all happened en route to Phil. Also, please be careful when repackaging the smokes. Thanks!
on phone so foegive errors... wife lost our cam but i can take some with my phone later. I will proceed as you have indicated and send anthing pulled back to jeff. The bgm does not look like a beetle hole, more like a wrapper chip/tear that got messed with. more later
Phil, on second thought:

33) Oliva V has a crack at the foot extending up about half an inch. Still smokable imo but I doubt it will survive more than another trip or two as such, it is big enough that it will spread.

Remove it. I'll send a replacement to Jon (souldog).

35) BGM has some strange substance along the last half inch or so of the foot. At first I thought it was mold but on inspection I think it is pectin that was used to repair a crack, as a small hole is visible.

Remove it. I'll send a replacement to Jon.

38) Cohiba Siglo VI '06 has a series of hairline cracks extending from the band to the top of the cap and splitting out. I think it would cause a real problem when clipped, assuming it doesn't fall apart sooner which is more likely.

Remove it. I'm at work and don't know if I have another Sig VI or not. If not, I'll send a nice RE or another or a nice ISOM.

45) Cuaba Distinguidos '06: Cracked at the cap spreading down about 1/2- 2/3 an inch. The same thing happened to a cuaba salamone in my pass and it was destroyed by the time it got home. Right now this is still smokable but if the crack spreads anymore you will be clipping too much of the head and it will unravel.

I don't have a replacement for this, as I don't smoke much Cuaba. Remove it, I'll send something nice to replace it.

46) SLR A from 06 has a chip out of the wrapper towards the foot. I would have no problem taking it anyways but it is my job to mention it. If you want I can replace it with an 01 and just do a direct swap.

If you want to do the swap, go ahead. If it's a minor issue that wouldn't effect smoking, leave it.

55) Padilla Signature 1932 Churchill: Has a couple of noticeable chunks out of the wrapper (like as if there was once a patch there maybe 1/4 inch wide) as well as a crack at the foot spreading upwards.

Remove it. I'll send a nice stick to Jon to replace it. Probably don't have one of these, but I'll send something comparable.

69) Partagas Privada has a light mold developing above the band to the cap. It is noticeable and I am isolating it pending your direction.

Absolutely remove it from the pass. I'll send a nice stick to replace it. I know I don't have this exact stick, but I'll see what my ISOM stash can muster.

37 (esplendido) and 44 (VR) both look like they have light water damage on the bands. The smokes are fine so no worries, just curious if you knew why the bands would be water damaged.

See previous post about vendor ripping apart bands.

To the future passers: Please, if you can, inspect the pass carefully! If it delays the pass a day, I'm not too worried about it. I highly doubt this all happened en route to Phil. Also, please be careful when repackaging the smokes. Feel free to post any concerns at all.

Wow what causes all this? humi packs? disgruntled post office worker? Is it odd that all of this damage can happen so soon after this started?
Ok so here are my final p/t:

23) Ashton ESG 22 Year Salute Torpedo
64) La Flor Dominicana Factory Presss III Prensado
73) Tatuaje La Riqueza #3

75) Davidoff Millennium Churchill (was putting the CF into the box and realizes the wrapper had a tear so I smoked it)
76)PAM Torpedo
77) Padron 1926 #35 Natural
78) Hemi Sig Maduro

Also pulled out the cigars requested by Jeff and I swapped the 06 SLR A for an 01 in better shape. Once I get confirmation from whoever on team socal is supposed to get this it will be in the mail. I just talked to Jon and he thinks it goes to Geoff, so if someone can verify I will double-check his addy and get this out.

Also I crossed off #9.
Off with DC#: 0103 8555 7496 5422 3036

Thanks for having me Jeff!
Jeff, would it be too much work to have on the first post or somewhere in here who is left in the last man standing contest? I just wanted to know who else was left with me. I also know by saying this that I will be the next crossed off or maybe cross off myself at a later date. :)
Jeff, would it be too much work to have on the first post or somewhere in here who is left in the last man standing contest? I just wanted to know who else was left with me. I also know by saying this that I will be the next crossed off or maybe cross off myself at a later date. :)

Read more, post less ;)? :sign:

Weird I never saw that ;) , nor have I learned anything yet I guess in Greg's Newbie 4 pass.
Jeff, would it be too much work to have on the first post or somewhere in here who is left in the last man standing contest? I just wanted to know who else was left with me. I also know by saying this that I will be the next crossed off or maybe cross off myself at a later date. :)

Read more, post less ;)? :sign:

Weird I never saw that ;) , nor have I learned anything yet I guess in Greg's Newbie 4 pass.

Apparently Greg taught me nothing as well. :laugh: I never saw that either.
A package of cigars is on the way to Putz to replace the damaged smokes.

79) Ashton VSG Torpedo --- (Put: jlada) --- (Take: )
80) Oliva V Maduro Torpedo --- (Put: jlada) --- (Take: )
81) Tatuaje El Triunfador Lancero --- (Put: jlada) --- (Take: )
82) Drew Estate Liga Privada #9 Parejo OR --- (Put: jlada) --- (Take: )
83) Punch Royal Selection No. 11 '99 --- (Put: jlada) --- (Take: )
84) Bolivar Gold Medal '07 --- (Put: jlada) --- (Take: )
85) Romeo y Julieta Hermoso No. 2 Edicion Limitada 2004 --- (Put: jlada) --- (Take: )
86) Cohiba Maduro 5 Secretos '08 --- (Put: jlada) --- (Take: )
This things here. I'm taking it down to the shop tonight so the next guys can pick it up from there. I still haven't looked at puts/takes.

Too tired for this right now and it's only going to get worse...........going to try to get to see Geoff tomorrow on the way to Riverside.

I will P&T tomorrow time permitting. Sorry lads!
OK, here's the scoop and mind you, no whining!


87) 2005 God of Fire Double Robusto
88) Padron 1964 Exclusivo Natural
89) Opus X Perfexion X
90) La Aurora Sapphire
91) AF Anejo #55

I have dropped these at Geoff's for inclusion in the pass. I also dropped off the replacement smokes. Time and life does not permit me going through the pass and grabbing something as I am passing through Corona special to drop the goodies. So, NO Whiners! I don't want to see some post linking to "equal this/equal that". If you have a problem with it, tough.

No passes for a while either with the new baby coming, work picking up and starting a new company.

Late!'re next.
OK, here's the scoop and mind you, no whining!


87) 2005 God of Fire Double Robusto
88) Padron 1964 Exclusivo Natural
89) Opus X Perfexion X
90) La Aurora Sapphire
91) AF Anejo #55

I have dropped these at Geoff's for inclusion in the pass. I also dropped off the replacement smokes. Time and life does not permit me going through the pass and grabbing something as I am passing through Corona special to drop the goodies. So, NO Whiners! I don't want to see some post linking to "equal this/equal that". If you have a problem with it, tough.

No passes for a while either with the new baby coming, work picking up and starting a new company.

Late!'re next.


Very Generous of you! :thumbs:

Nice play! Hope all goes well with the baby!
Shoot, okey dokie. I gotta go herf with Geoff to do this thing...