The Flaming Piggies Pass 2010

Hey look a thread, just checking in. Sorry I've been recovering post op this week. :thumbs:

Everything alright brother?!?

Im alright, simple gall bladder removal. They did it laproscopic. In and out same day but general anethesia knocks me for a loop. Another week till I'm back at work just to make sure I don't have any hernia problems lifting people on the crisco cart.
Hey look a thread, just checking in. Sorry I've been recovering post op this week. :thumbs:

Everything alright brother?!?

Im alright, simple gall bladder removal. They did it laproscopic. In and out same day but general anethesia knocks me for a loop. Another week till I'm back at work just to make sure I don't have any hernia problems lifting people on the crisco cart.

Glad to hear dude! Crisco Cart!!! :sign:
Hey look a thread, just checking in. Sorry I've been recovering post op this week.

Everything alright brother?!?

Im alright, simple gall bladder removal. They did it laproscopic. In and out same day but general anethesia knocks me for a loop. Another week till I'm back at work just to make sure I don't have any hernia problems lifting people on the crisco cart.

Good to hear you're recovering okay. Take it easy on yourself, bustin' a gut will just ruin that swimsuit figure for the summer.
Brother, if ya have room for one more, I'd love to participate! Worthy cause, yer taking up. I've been to the LEO Memorial, and it's a site to behold.

PM sent with info.

Floyd T.

Hey Floyd, glad you saw this. I heard from a brother on that "other site" that you are an LEO. Very happy to have you aboard!

I was just in DC and visited the memorial. Very moving experience until a group of four juveniles thought itd be hilarious to throw a rock at me while I was standing there reading the names. I figured it wouldn't be a good idea to chase all four of them down and beat the crap out of them, particularly in the middle of downtown and in the Judicial Circle.

Those freakin' kids and their lack of respect for their elders, law enforcement, and society is the reason why those good men and women lay dead with their names scrawled on that wall. Whatever, whole societys going to the crapper it seems sometimes, but enough ranting. Welcome to the pass!
Yeah, but Floyd made a really good point in another thread about language, so I need to edit it. Just a passionate statement is all. When I get off my blackberry ill do something about it.
Souldog, thanks for the welcome. I'm glad ya posted post 46. We have to keep up our appearances around here. :thumbs: Lookin forward to the pass, assuming I can get in it!

Floyd T.
No problem man, like I said you make a good point. As far as the pass you sure are in it, I've just got to update the first post when I get on a computer, snag everyones info (too difficult to read pms on a BB), and well be off soon!

Jon that staement will be immortalized in my sig tag forever!!!!

You are now more than welcome to quote it brother!!
First post has been updated with a couple of things. Still waiting on britishfields and medic5888 to respond. britishfields, if you could confirm your address along with your department's info, I'd appreciate it. medic5888, I haven't even heard from you at all, so at this point I am tentatively removing you from the pass unless I get a PM from you.

Here is the pass order (map linky on the first page):

1. Lockout
2. britishfields
3. Breedy
5. Q_the_Cop
6. Jeff1101
7. CRQuarto
8. 4cbln3
9. Swissy
10. Souldog
Ready and waiting to receive since I'm the first one up. Just let me know when I should start looking for it. looking forward to getting this off with a bang.
Remember guys, communication is key!!!!

Since Jon is allegedly running this I vote we go with a modified hand signal approach so it will be easier for him to understand.

An Example is provided below, for your comic enjoyment.

Remember guys, communication is key!!!!

Since Jon is allegedly running this I vote we go with a modified hand signal approach so it will be easier for him to understand.

An Example is provided below, for your comic enjoyment.


No hand signals for 'It's doughnut break time'? What's up with that? :sign:
Good night

Jonathan, thanks for accepting, I hope you keep me informed of the evolution of the pass, because as you know do not understand much English.


by google traslator
What I get no love on here Jon?

How could I forget you John!! Sorry buddy, first post updated. You're second to last on the list, Swiss can ship to you.

Ready and waiting to receive since I'm the first one up. Just let me know when I should start looking for it. looking forward to getting this off with a bang.

It should be heading out this Thursday (I hope)... :p

Remember guys, communication is key!!!!

Since Jon is allegedly running this I vote we go with a modified hand signal approach so it will be easier for him to understand.

An Example is provided below, for your comic enjoyment.

Dude, I laughed my ass off!
Let's get this thing rolling! :D

Jon, you better memorize those hand signals if you ever hope to make it to SWAT.
The hand signal breakdown is hilarious! I'm gonna have to copy that and send it over to our SWAT Commander! :thumbs: Lookin forward to this gettin started.

Floyd T.
"I'm crushing your head!"
I love to do that to people in my pics of them! Oh man, the next time I work with any of the HPD here and they do that, they're gonna be wondering why is that fireman's face turning red and spit flying out! Good one Brandon.

On a more stupider note, I decided to click on your map Jon and just for laughs, I entered "get directions from California to Hawaii............................................part of the directions read, "kayak across the Pacific Ocean"
seriously, it said that! Do you think the stogies will get a little soggy by then?
"I'm crushing your head!"
I love to do that to people in my pics of them! Oh man, the next time I work with any of the HPD here and they do that, they're gonna be wondering why is that fireman's face turning red and spit flying out! Good one Brandon.

On a more stupider note, I decided to click on your map Jon and just for laughs, I entered "get directions from California to Hawaii............................................part of the directions read, "kayak across the Pacific Ocean"
seriously, it said that! Do you think the stogies will get a little soggy by then?

NO WAY did it say that! :laugh: Gotta love you Google...