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The Faces of CP

first picture i foudn digging through a picture folder. Yea I'm a young'in.

On the left, also in the middle of talking while the picture was taken.
My son on the left. That's me on the right. See what happens to you when you drink and smoke.

Yay! I'm not the skinniest, yeah, no pictures of me with a cigar, I don't even have a friggin camera, and the one in my phone, for some reason won't load the pics to a computer, whatever, I'll leave the 90's sooner of later.
Here I am. I'm the one sitting down, the two guys standing are Rod and Putz, and the girl......well.....she was just this girl that kept comming over to our table and hitting on me. She wouldn"t leave me alone until I gave her my number! :laugh:


This is me out of costume and giving my best 'get that damn camera out of my face' face.

Yeah I know, put the mask back on.
Don Pepin and I. with a custom dos capas pigtail he just rolled for me.
