• May can’t come soon enough, but whispers align—what’s coming will shift the threads of time.

The everlasting gobstopper pass

Sounds like a plan to me. I think a one or two day turn around except on weekends and holidays should apply. Adding a stick or two should be manditory. I still don't have a problem with penalty sticks if the turn around time is slow.
i PMed jason and apparently he has a bit of the flu. lets all wish him well, and hope he doesn't infect the cigars.

I got this out today. I don't have my P/T or the DC in front of me. Will post tonight..
Glad to hear that you were able to get it done Jason. We look forward to seeing your PTs :whistling:
Here are my P+T. Sorry, I don't have the DC # with me at work. I'll PM it when I get home..

Takes -
7 - Boli Corona E.
15 - H Upp. 46
85 - Cohiba Esplendido
89 - La Flor de Cano Tubulares
114 - Partagas 898
Puts -
118 - Bolivar Belicoso Fino '02
119 - RyJ Churchill '99
120 - Partagas Pyramid EL
121 - Cohiba Sig IV
122 - PSD #4 '01
123 - CAO Anaconda

Thanks for your great PTs...I know you havent felt well. Please let us know what the DC was when you can!
I hope all of you will pass along your prayers to kingpin's father in law who is very ill right now. he got the box, but obviously there are other things on his mind. from what i understand the situation is very grave. i told him that he could either send it along to moki or keep it for a while.

i am going to contact moki and tell him whats up.

I just chedked the DC (03033430000105584506) and saw it was deliviered. Was wondering what happened. Sorry to hear. :(
Kingpin, I'm not a religious kind of guy, just want to let you know I'm thinking about you and your family.

Since I'm hosting the GOB II, I have a few comments I'd like to make.

I like the previous rules. One day turn, one extra put, penalty stick if late sending it back out. It's taking over three months to complete the first lick. We need to keep it moving, hopefully faster, the second time around.

Just my $.02.

I'm told the Gob is at my house... it's almost 11pm and I'm still at work :( And I had all of 2 hours sleep last night... crunch time sucks. Just updating... I'll get to the Gob tomorrow.
hrm... should there be a list of cigars in this pass? Because I don't see it... I gave it a good looking over, and I don't see anything but two boxes of cigars in there...
moki said:
hrm... should there be a list of cigars in this pass?  Because I don't see it... I gave it a good looking over, and I don't see anything but two boxes of cigars in there...

CALLING ALL CARS!!!! who was the last person to see the list?? moki, i have done my best to keep the first post updated as th ruts/takes...hopefully you can figure it out from there. since it comes home after you, i will make sure that a fresh set of instructionss gets printed out for the next go round :p

okay, it turns out other1 has 'em -- he's going to fax 'em to me tomorrow, and I'll fill it in and send it on then (if I get penalized for this, you die!! hehe). I'll also give him the address to send the real ones on to, hopefully someone can synch the two down the line
It looks like the side of one of the tupperware containers is cracked, which might explain why the humidity is a little low in there... I think it'll be okay for the return trip home, Barney, but might want to replace it once you get it. I also tossed in a humidpak in both of them to help them out -- didn't want to refill the PG and risk splashing it all over the place. ;)


#99 -- Padrón Millennium Maduro
#16 -- Padrón 1926 Maduro No.1
#120 -- Partagas Piramidé EL
#76 -- Davidoff Millennium Blend Churchill


#124 -- Perdomo Edicion de Silvio Salomon en Cedro (Caja #143) (2004)
#125 -- Original Release Añejo No.50 (2000)
#126 -- Brinones Custom-rolled Cuban (2004)
#127 -- Flor Fina 858 Rosado (2002)
#128 -- Ashton VSG "Round" (1997)

Happy holidays, Barney! DC# 0303 1290 0000 6397 4746
the gob is coming home!!! thanks moki for the great PTs...and thanks for patching up the box!

i'll be turning it around for the next round of licks and putting up the new starting 25....along with the new pass order...general consensus is that there be no penalty stick rule, but that it is manditory to add one more cigar than you take. i have heard back from most of the participants so it looks like we are a go for round 2!
