Jim, from a little more than 48 hours ago.
I could be wrong, but it seems as if you might have a problem with me taking 48 hours to post my wishes :sign:. If you do I say oh well we are not on the Tommy Boy clock

I'm not going to make a big deal out of this. Swissy aka Jim passed a wish on to me. I bought some cigars from the get out of the dog house sale with the misses and told him he better not send them or I would take a massive dump on them and send pictures as confirmation of my word.
After a few days, I posted and a CP'er responded. Alas, this didn't get full filled. I personally didn't want to do a wish in the first place. I am now going to pass mine to Black Plague. Reason: he deserves it. He was very generous about my Freedom Smokes and fulfilling a wish of mine with handing me his only 858 Rosado to smoke. Anyone one that belonged to CP at that time will know what I'm talking about.
So without further ado, please allow BP to make a wish and it gets granted. :thumbs:
I will make it easy

. I pass my wish to Black Plague. There I think it is all fixed even if Loren did get his wish granted. Loren did you PM him to make sure he knows he is up?
Yeah I wrote Black Plague. I can verify as of May 7th or so, my wish was never granted and I'm sure the boys at The Outlaw would have told me if I got a package since. I only wrote this because wishes have been based off of Jim passing his to me after fulfilling another's wish.
Theober guy nominated ole Nutz for a wish. So basically it went...Jim passed it off to me. I made a post several days later as I was moving. A CP'er stepped up. Even though I didn't want it. Said CP'er gave his wish to Jim. Then theoberguy stepped in and nominated another. As this looked to be filled and was continuing.
I still don't want a wish. I did mine by doing an ISO for my last cigars back on May 4th and a couple on May 5th. I completely respect the CP'er that offered to fill my wish. He has been completely awesome through the years on the board. If Swissy wouldn't have tried to get even back at me. This wouldn't be here in the first place.
Edited to add; I wrote the CP'er involved. I wrote Jim. I've also wrote Black Plague. He hasn't been on for nearly 2 weeks. And I've wrote Phil the story in how all this came about. So he has the details. I saw a chance to get even with Jim and his salmon bomb. I took it and he turned around and got me involved in the Wish thread. And trust me...I was kicking, screaming, spitting, and finally clawing my way out of it so I never had to be involved in this. Since my cigars are over 400 miles away from me.