Well, how about a......
2. 80's davidoff Dom P
3. 80's davidoff chateau margaux
4. any opus maduro ??? ???
Edit to add 3 and 4
You wished for 1 and 2... A
HTF Fuente cigar with a relatively high price point, and an
80's Davidoff. Got no hits, then "bumped it down" on #'s 3 and 4...
another 80's Davidoff, and
another HTF Fuente cigar with a high price point. Got no hits, so let's "bump it down" again on #'s 5 and 6! :laugh:
5. '85 la escepcion longos
What's this?
An 80's cigar! And what's this??
Another HTF Fuente cigar! :0
Lateral wishing indeed...

You're right Moki, the PIF is dead. This is why I don't come in and grant stuff anymore...

:angry: I do actually hope somebody grants you the BBMF, given that you granted a PFR, but it also isn't always about "getting your money's worth." I guess that's why they call it a "
Forward." :whistling: